50 views, 13 votes, 6 replies....not one yes....looks like people like Ashoka only so much....apparently not enough to warrant a higher ticket representation.
Plus, the design is boring. And, frankly, the notion of a "prop replica" based on a cartoon is beyond stupid anyway.
Not really, because at least the Clone/Yoda stuff is meant to be photo-real. This is essentially a CARTOON.
First off, I like Ashoka as a character and I don't understand the hate toward her, but to each their own...
The poll isn't done very well and doesn't have enough "serious" choices... for instance, I like the character and if I collected the full size lightsabers, I would definitely buy it, but I just don't collect them, and none of the poll options really represented a choice like this.
Oh please Carl, if that was the case, then we should just do away with Transformers, G.I. Joe, and half the collectibles every made!!! A "cartoon" is just as valid a medium as any other movie, TV show, book, etc. and don't insult the intelligence of those fans who enjoy animation as an art form!
Again, you state that as if a "cartoon" is beneath you... well, maybe it is for you, but it is a very valid medium and I personally think animation has a greater following than you are giving it credit for. Why do think it isn't a worthy medium? Just because a lot of animation is geared toward kids? A heck of a lot of movies are geared toward kids as well, but that doesn't make movies in general "just a movie" and not worthy of collecting, so animation shouldn't have any determination upon that either.
ahsoka is a great character !
the clone wars cartoon doesnt ! DOESNT suck !!!
for what it is its pretty good.
it is just the feel of star wars that makes it crappy
and of course George Lucas who only wants to make money destroying Star Wars.
btw : tha saber's desing is great
I think eFX will go out of business before they even get to sell their Obi saber....
Makes no sense. if SW = OT, why do you like ahsoka, clone wars cartoon, and this saber?
I think eFX will go out of business before they even get to sell their Obi saber....
I hope not.
However it is hard to be in business when you so very rarely sell anything.
I think EFX should take a line from Richard Pryor..."This is a business and we're in the business to do business, so lets do some business!"
I hope not.
However it is hard to be in business when you so very rarely sell anything.
I think EFX should take a line from Richard Pryor..."This is a business and we're in the business to do business, so lets do some business!"
we'll see. hopefully they'll get their crap together and make some things happen. i do like the display stand a lot though. i wish MR had something like this for theirs.I think eFX will go out of business before they even get to sell their Obi saber....
A friend of mine is looking for one of these. Does anyone anyone know where he might be able to find one?