It doesn't make sense that it would go all the way back to full if that were the case. I think their system is just being flakey. They should really fix it though, since some people are going to see the full bar and think they have plenty of time to order.I think it's because they're in peoples' carts and for whatever reason they don't check out within a certain time and it goes back to available.
I couldn't find the box to check to "agree to terms and conditions" and was starting to stress ...then I pulled my head out of my culo...duh...winning!
Really weird they've taken it off the store site but it's still fully available again if you go to the link.
According to the site, the Limited Edition is the only least on my end touting a April 22 PO date.
eFX Website said:Exception=Divide by zero error encountered.
It now says sold out on the front page. So 10-15 minutes to sell out?