EDITION SIZE DETERMINED BY PREORDER. That's what I saw too. No mention of a 1000 cap that I saw on their website. But then I can't see their pix either, my computer doesn't like their java script. Anyone else hv problems with that website? I'll just have to trust those of you who insist 1000 is their max, and see if they reach that number tomorrow. QuiGonFishing was right when he said the degeneration occured organically - i asked how many people were planning to order a Ltd Edn, and I guess I made mistake of mentioning i sometimes buy a couple items and sell one later, to offset cost of the one I'm keeping. Little did I know that was sacriledge on this forum; the brown shirts came out of their closets. That's how I saw it. For some, like JKNO, he then qualified that he tht it was ok for people to sell their collectibles later if they needed to, because of problems. On another post Firefly said he needed to get off his ar$e and sell some of his collectibles so he had money for 12" figures fm Sideshow & Hot Toys. I guess this is what JKNO means when he says he's okay with some who have to sell b/c they hv a problem. Well JKNO, their problem is addiction. And crack, she's a harsh mistress. She demands cash. Probably most of us here hv some form of this collector-itis. What i object to is anyone, any person, any govt, or any poster on this forum who thinks they know what is best, who deigns to tell me when it's ok for me to buy or sell something, or when I can have something, or when I can't. I should be able to buy the coolest auto, nicest house or best healthcare that I can afford. I have no right to any of them, but I appreciate the freedom to make my own choices and purchase whichever I can afford. If JKNO grew up behind the Iron Wall, then I can appreciate where his thinking comes from. But he's coming around; he said when one has this "problem" that it was okay to sell one's collectibles at the current asking price, not the pre-order price. How very nice of him to say so. Firefly's fm Vegas, Capitalism Central in my book. Even if he was secretly a bleeding heart liberal, I doubt he'd sell off his collectibles at pre-order price. If he's smart, he'll sell them for whatever he can get. If he does as well as I did with my Iron Man, he'll hv enough for a Ltd Edn Vader. I suspect JKNO and everyone here has sold a collectible or two for the same reason - to feed their addiction! If it's more polite to say, "Out with the old, in with the new," then put it that way. In any case I've no problem with it; just with people deign to know what's best for everyone. BTW, no one answered Avenger's question about shipping cost for the McVader. Suspect it will be same this time around too. I apologize to Firefly if my using "God" in an exclamation offended; we infidel Christians don't even notice when we use that word, it's like breathing. 11am, I await thee, what is thy bidding, my master.