Well your the douche that brought it up...and throwing God into the mix your bound to get a response.
I suspect JKNO and everyone here has sold a collectible or two for the same reason - to feed their addiction! If it's more polite to say, "Out with the old, in with the new," then put it that way. In any case I've no problem with it; just with people deign to know what's best for everyone. BTW, no one answered Avenger's question about shipping cost for the McVader. Suspect it will be same this time around too. I apologize to Firefly if my using "God" in an exclamation offended; we infidel Christians don't even notice when we use that word, it's like breathing. 11am, I await thee, what is thy bidding, my master.
You suspect wrong. I had a small Hasbro collection which I mostly donated and the few items I sold were really under priced. It is not similar to your opinion on flipping (and maybe even scalping), when you buy 2 highly limited items just with the intention of selling one immediately or later, thus another collector who might have wanted one on retail from eFX couldn't get it. Apples and oranges. There was a guy already on Rebelscum trying to do such a thing with one of the 2 Legend Vader ho bought, and people hit him hard. Do you understand my point?
paragraphs are not the enemy...