Chapter, your swirls are definitely weird. I see how Willows right foot doesn't even go into the swirls at all. Or left foot if you're looking directly at the photo. That's just crazy! I would send it back as a factory defect.
I just got this message from Tracy...YAY!
Hi Christina,
I'll check out the forum. Some good news, is that after 3 starts, we finally have Spike going in a direction I'm happy with. The rough sculpt is complete and will be cleaned up soon. Angel designs are in progress as well.
Tracy Mark Lee
Electric Tiki Design
I just hope Tracy puts up some new sketches of this 3x restarted spike. I always check the site for updates.
I remember Tracy telling me that sculpting females was his favorite. But I think with the line that has just come out, 2 Willows, 2 Buffy's, Glory and Faith, that the line will have a stretch, even if small, of males. Spike, Angel, Caleb.
Doesn't mean of course they don't have another female in mind. SO, I will definitely ask Tracy next time I send an email his way. Unless of course he stops by here and wants to give us some insight all on his own.
It would be great if he came on here and expressed that.And I'm sure once given the time, he will do so.
But so far all he's said was that he...let me track down the email..."I definitely like designing the female characters more than the male, but I realize there has to be room for both."
That's wonderful. It's always nice when you can find a seller that helps you along. So yay.
But seriously, do you order 2 of every statue you order?? And where did you order the second one from?