[ELVIS1976 | custom work] • 1/1 PROTON PACK

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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Exactly, I have the dredd movie but I loved how the angel family were portrayed, especially mean machine.
He was spot on to the comics.
Too bad I can't say the same for Dredd :(

Oh no man I never abandoned him just didn't found the right parts at the time.

I'm all out on 2000ad atm.

Reworking my Rogue, now Mean Machine and next judge Death and probably Judge Anderson "Psy"

Yeah same as m8 i'm getting into casting and plan on doing 2 or 3 different Dredd kits and Rogue trooper if anyones interested :)
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Awesome work I always liked that character.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Gotta love the parts bins. It's like a pot of gold when the right parts come together. Mean Machine already looks dope. Keep digging thru them bins bro the next great part is in there.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Wow! That is pure awesome!
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Don't know who he is but he's looking damn awesome!
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

There's your first mistake :slap. Go through this entire thread. You won't be dissapointed. I was able to go through his entire thread in less than 6 hours and was well worth it :lecture

Have to agree. I am a follower of this thread since page one and the work that has been shown here is simply breathtaking. I remember one of his first customs was a guy with a beard I didnt know and he weathered it with a snow effect. I thought it couldnt get any better... I was so wrong. It is almost scary how those great talents still get better and improve their work. :bow
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Some more works done.

First my Take on Ra's al Ghul.
Like my other rogues, the head was sculpted by Rocco.
I love that head I think he did an awesome job.

Here's a cap test.
I like him better with the cape.






The Punisher now with white boots.


Some commissions full figure.

First a John McClane for my buddy MOE.

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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

and a BD berserk rage WOLVERINE for my friend Vik.
Hope you will like it brother.



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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Some more works done.

First my Take on Ra's al Ghul.
Like my other rogues, the head was sculpted by Rocco.
I love that head I think he did an awesome job.

It's hard to see in the pics but the coat is actually dark green.

Some commissions full figure.

First a John McClane for my buddy MOE.

:horror :thud:

Very Nice!!!!
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work (Marvel, DC, Horror, Movies) - MEAN MACHINE ANGEL

Some more works done.

Some commissions full figure.

First a John McClane for my buddy MOE.

Awesome McClane., gotta love those Bloody knuckles and everybrow gash.

I'm due to have mine pretty soon too. Had a couple of questions, is that the T1000 Beretta92FS? Also, If I may ask where did you source the watch and forearm tatoo from? And the vest too. :D


and a BD berserk rage WOLVERINE for my friend Vik.
Hope you will like it brother.

Wicked now has a new synonym. :clap

(Btw have you missed out weatehring the boots? :monkey3)
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Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - THE DEMON HEAD - WOLVIE - DH1 - PUNISHE

Seriously, you are too good at this. Every figure is just phenomenal. I love that classic style Punisher and the BD Wolverine.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - THE DEMON HEAD - WOLVIE - DH1 - PUNISHE

Yea really this is really great stuff the wolverine is over the top. I hope hot toys in dieing inside when they see stuff like this.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - THE DEMON HEAD - WOLVIE - DH1 - PUNISHE

Awesome McClane., gotta love those Bloody knuckles and everybrow gash.

I'm due to have mine pretty soon too. Had a couple of questions, is that the T1000 Beretta92FS? Also, If I may ask where did you source the watch and forearm tatoo from? And the vest too. :D


Wicked now has a new synonym. :clap

(Btw have you missed out weatehring the boots? :monkey3)

Don't know where the Beretta come from tbh.
The tat's was made by Charles Hughey and the vest is available through breakersrevenge.

Yea really this is really great stuff the wolverine is over the top. I hope hot toys in dieing inside when they see stuff like this.

LOL thanks but i'm sure they aren't dyin' at all :lol

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