Emma Frost PF

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Here's what pisses me off. I was on the verge of buying in to Mystique, which is a FANTASTIC sculpt, but the fabric short pants ruined it for me...Now they make Emma, and she's fully sculpted from the waist down.... Could you imagine how fast Mystique would have sold out had she been sculpted below the waist??? OMG...


I thought the pants were cloth?

Maybe I didn't look close enough, the face was just too distracting.
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She isn't fully sculpted from the waist down, if you look at the Hi Res pictures its a pleathery vinyl matter.
I really like they way it looks, I'm a big fan of toony art, and J Capbell, so as a statue in general, I think its pretty spiffy! But it DOES not fit in with the rest of the PFs. They should hyper realalistic. It fails as a PF, but I still may pick it up just cause I like it in gneral.
Well, perhaps people should think of it this way. The economy sucks right now, so you can save money for the next big unveiling. There's more Mark Brooks comiquettes on the way as well as more PF's. Perhaps we'll get that Daredevil that's long overdue.

yep good point! i was going to use my reward points on emma, but not now, im hoping they release a Psylocke comiquette :D
She isn't fully sculpted from the waist down, if you look at the Hi Res pictures its a pleathery vinyl matter.

I think it might be sculpted to look like pleathery vinyl...


Mike, I don't think there is a vinyl/pleather type fabric than can wrap itself to every contour of the body the way that photo shows...

That isn't real stitching on the side there. Way too small to be real. The little flaps at the bottom certainly do look real though... If this isn't sculpted, then they should patent this fabric, lol

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Maybe they should just stick with the same artists for certain lines (e.g., Pablo V and Gore Group for PFs and Comiquettes), that way the products are consistent. That's why I don't blame collectors here from buying from the Philippines-based sculptors - at least they come out with pieces that the fans want, and listen to the collectors' inputs and comments. For a Company that's supposed to be feeling the economic pinch, Sideshow doesn't do a good job of coming out with products that the collectors will like.

It's a miss this time, but there will be plenty more to come.
they should have went for the Greg Horn version but whatever.....at least she looks hot...in profile..:huh
I still can't believe how Sideshow messed up on this one. Emma is my favorite marvel female character right now, and this is what we get????!!!!???? Wtf!!!!!!!!!

If I only had the money and resources, I'll make a collectibles company that comes out with items that the fans like.
She's on low quantity alert already

i think people either really like it, or are just ordering it in hope that SS will fix it by the time its released, but i highly doubt it on this one. i dunno...
im guessing a lot of cancellations by the time it comes out.
I wander if a lot of people buying it up are ebay sellers as well who will try to sell it for double price like they tried with Mystique.....
Nothing wrong with people liking it, and it is a nice piece, just not for a PF in the Mavel PF line.
That's funny Darth Con because I also did a double take when I looked at the name, and that it was the premium format.

:lol looks like the buffy tiki animated thingy...

its a shame really, cause i missed out on the comiquette and was hoping this would satisfy me, but nup. the body is ok-ish, but the head really ruins it.
i think im gona keep hunting for the comiquette instead...