Emma Frost PF

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Wow...that doesn't look like what I thought it would. I don't like it at all.
Oh, well. I guess I just saved a bunch of money.
Actually Allison said that the Brooks line and the AH! line do not cancel each other out. So if AH! wanted to do Dagger he could or if Brooks wanted to do Mary Jane they could its just the outfits that might be different or who knows maybe not even that. This quote pretty much confirms that.

I'm not really sure. MY argument is that if Mark were to do Storm in her current outfit, what would keep Adam from doing her in her classic one? But I'm just the girlfriend.... :rolleyes:
Once again people are over reacting to a PROTOTYPE, if this were the finished piece ^^^^^ all you want, but you guys are ^^^^^ing from the get go. :rolleyes:


It is a prototype, but what most people are objecting to is the style. And that's not going to change.

I was disappointed when they did Emma as a comicquette because I wanted a PF. But I'm afraid that this one isn't for me - everything I like about the PF line is the realistic look, they could be real miniature people. But that effect is completely undermined by the style of this piece. I'm sure many people will love it and it may be the first PF some buy because it's so very, very, very different from every PF that has come before. But I can certainly understand the profound and deeply felt disappointment and overwhelming sense of despair that this piece elicits.
When Dave agrees it ain't good from the Protos, then you know it ain't good. :lol
It is a prototype, but what most people are objecting to is the style. And that's not going to change.

I was disappointed when they did Emma as a comicquette because I wanted a PF. But I'm afraid that this one isn't for me - everything I like about the PF line is the realistic look, they could be real miniature people. But that effect is completely undermined by the style of this piece. I'm sure many people will love it and it may be the first PF some buy because it's so very, very, very different from every PF that has come before. But I can certainly understand the profound and deeply felt disappointment and overwhelming sense of despair that this piece elicits.

How eloquently put... can we have tea together, Dave? :monkey3
It is a prototype, but what most people are objecting to is the style. And that's not going to change.

I was disappointed when they did Emma as a comicquette because I wanted a PF. But I'm afraid that this one isn't for me - everything I like about the PF line is the realistic look, they could be real miniature people. But that effect is completely undermined by the style of this piece. I'm sure many people will love it and it may be the first PF some buy because it's so very, very, very different from every PF that has come before. But I can certainly understand the profound and deeply felt disappointment and overwhelming sense of despair that this piece elicits.

A voice of reason right there. If you were collecting the other "realistic" looking Marvel PF, you would expect new releases to be the same. None of the other PFs are of this style, and there's a reason for that. There's some very "misguided" people working at Sideshow right now to have decided to take this direction with this piece.
Seperated at birth?



LOL!!! :lol:lol:lol

Ah well I'm off to bed now. It's 5am and lucky for me I haven't got work in the morning [well I do, but I've worn myself out playing Deadspace so it's truant Friday]

Do me proud kids!!!! Let this thread reach the 100page mark by the time I wake:naughty:naughty:naughty
What is weird is looking at the banners I don't expect that to be the frontal look.
I can understand why some would be turned off by this--very stylized and clashes with the rest of the PFs. I can appreciate it as an individual piece though. I'm a fan of the exagerated/manga look. The more I look at it, the more I'm confident I'll keep it. Only thing is that it's coming out around the holidays. As of now, She-Hulk is listed as coming out around that time too. I'm kind of hoping one gets pushed back a bit.
I wish it was less cartoony, but still looks pretty cool.
I grabbed one since the exclusive was low quantity alert. She may be worth something in the future.

I doubt it. Not only is the style and face on this item horribly executed, but the exclusive is another poorly thought idea. I'm sure most will want to display this without the stupid looking visor anyway. The "creative" team who did this statue is the same team that did the X23 comiquette, and that one had a useless exclusive as well. Heck, they should have just done the change of head diamond version (ala Sue Storm in the FF Diorama) and that would be better looking than the portrait of this item.