Emma Frost PF

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i think people either really like it, or are just ordering it in hope that SS will fix it by the time its released, but i highly doubt it on this one. i dunno...
im guessing a lot of cancellations by the time it comes out.
I wander if a lot of people buying it up are ebay sellers as well who will try to sell it for double price like they tried with Mystique.....

i would almost gaurantee it, and when they can't presell them for big profit, watch the cancellations pile up. though IF i were to order this, i'll wait until it's sold out. that way i doesn't run up the ES.

i still recall all the negative comments on the CIM, (myself included) then when he ended up in peoples hands the comments changed. unfortunately there is just to much wrong with this one imo.:peace
if all Xmen PF's are going to get this animated treatment then count me out!....WHORErible!...but I'm still getting her!:D
I think it might be sculpted to look like pleathery vinyl...


Mike, I don't think there is a vinyl/pleather type fabric than can wrap itself to every contour of the body the way that photo shows...

That isn't real stitching on the side there. Way too small to be real. The little flaps at the bottom certainly do look real though... If this isn't sculpted, then they should patent this fabric, lol

You know I think you're right....at least that part is sculpted well.
I guess I am just really not as picky as everyone else. I do agree the only thing wrong with this statue is the face looks a bit cartoony but oh well, makes it a bit more unique. I don't have to have all my statues be the same, I like to mix it up a bit. I say rock on!
Love the body sculpt, hate the face paint app, especially the lipstick. I can deal with it though. Gonna have to peep it at SDCC before I go full retard ZOMG DATS TEH SUX on it.

Mark Brooks version would have been nice...

I guess I am just really not as picky as everyone else. I do agree the only thing wrong with this statue is the face looks a bit cartoony but oh well, makes it a bit more unique. I don't have to have all my statues be the same, I like to mix it up a bit. I say rock on!

See for me, it's more than that. I really like X-23's face. So it being cartoony is not the only prob.

When I think of Emma I think of one of the hottest mutants in the X universe.

When I look at this statue, I don't see Emma at all.

The face on this statue just isn't Emma.
Love the body sculpt, hate the face paint app, especially the lipstick. I can deal with it though. Gonna have to peep it at SDCC before I go full retard ZOMG DATS TEH SUX on it.

Mark Brooks version would have been nice...


Mark Brooks can't make Emma cause Adam already did and I believe they are not allowed to do the same.
Ok we've got Emma versus, Emma comqiuette and Emma PF.

Can we get a Phoenix/Jean Grey PF, LSB, and versus too?:gun

Please Sideshow!!:banana

I prefer the realistic look
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See for me, it's more than that. I really like X-23's face. So it being cartoony is not the only prob.

When I think of Emma I think of one of the hottest mutants in the X universe.

When I look at this statue, I don't see Emma at all.

The face on this statue just isn't Emma.

It kind of reminds me of Emma when she was a younger.