I wonder what the ES is gonna be. 
probably 150-200
I think it caught everyone off guard.
I like the Emma PF myself. Like I've said before...I just want the paint app, on the eyes & lips, done better.
I am probably going to get slammed for saying this (especially since I said the OPPOSITE a few pages back), but if they do continue with an X-Men based PF line, I hope they follow Emma's Campbell look just for unity.
I think if SS does an all X-Men PF line in the Campbell style...fanboys will be rioting and throwing hissy fits from here to eternity.
Edit: BTW...I like Campbell's art style.![]()
what could've been.....
I don't think that looks good at all. There is nothing about the look of that drawing of emma that would make me want to see it in PF form.
what could've been.....
wow thank heavens she doesn't look like that. i would have passed on the statue.
what could've been.....
But overall, I think it looks pretty good. Congrats to all of the Emma fans. This one looks like a keeper.
Well, I'd say congrats to all Campbell/tooned-up fans. Not Emma fans. I'm an Emma fan and I don't feel like congrats are worthy.
Yeah, not a fan of the Emma PF at all. The face is really bad IMO and looks nothing like the accepted comic likenesses at all.