Emma Frost PF

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I am probably going to get slammed for saying this (especially since I said the OPPOSITE a few pages back), but if they do continue with an X-Men based PF line, I hope they follow Emma's Campbell look just for unity.
I think it caught everyone off guard.

I like the Emma PF myself. Like I've said before...I just want the paint app, on the eyes & lips, done better.

lighter make up, yes!...and those fingers!...them digits look like a face-hugger!:horror

I am probably going to get slammed for saying this (especially since I said the OPPOSITE a few pages back), but if they do continue with an X-Men based PF line, I hope they follow Emma's Campbell look just for unity.

Oh, dear lawd NO!...I think one is enough! I'm with u for the unity sequence but please, for the love of all things X-MEN, no more!

I think if SS does an all X-Men PF line in the Campbell style...fanboys will be rioting and throwing hissy fits from here to eternity.

Edit: BTW...I like Campbell's art style. :D

It looks good for what it is but they shouldn't call it a PF but start some new "Anime PF" category or something because this won't fit it with the other Marvel PF's.
I don't think that looks good at all. There is nothing about the look of that drawing of emma that would make me want to see it in PF form.

I agree, while I loved Grant Morrison's New X-Men run, I really didn't how Frost was drawn during that time and the skin-X costume was just silly (as silly as comic costumes can be). I was really happy that they used her Astonishing costume as that is the most regal imho; I just wish she had a more realistic look.
Yeah, not a fan of the Emma PF at all. The face is really bad IMO and looks nothing like the accepted comic likenesses at all.

I concur with the others that the Dagger is a far superior piece in all respects, and yes, the AH Emma Frost should have been the only one. First it's hard to top that and second there are PLENTY of other characters in the Marvel universe that they could have looked at instead of reduxing the EF.
I haven't gotten the chance to chime in yet, but I don't think this PF looks that bad. I actually like the face sculpt too. I was really hoping for a diamond form Emma as the Ex., but nonetheless, at least an Ex. was offered.

Now, do I plan on ordering? No. (See Chapter 2099's Guide to Collecting PFs. I know someone out there knows what I'm talking about. :D) But overall, I think it looks pretty good. Congrats to all of the Emma fans. This one looks like a keeper.
But overall, I think it looks pretty good. Congrats to all of the Emma fans. This one looks like a keeper.

Well, I'd say congrats to all Campbell/tooned-up fans. Not Emma fans. I'm an Emma fan and I don't feel like congrats are worthy.
Well, I'd say congrats to all Campbell/tooned-up fans. Not Emma fans. I'm an Emma fan and I don't feel like congrats are worthy.

Well, congrats to the Campbell fans.

(I'm just trying to be a good sport about this. I've been waiting much too long for my Daredevil PF. :D)
Probably already mentioned but the teaser logo got me thinking Disney from the start:


A shame that it ended up so toon-like.