Now now my apprentice, only in time may you become a Demi GodI got this Shell. You can't over rule a Demi God anyways. Don't even try.![]()

Hi Moonie


Thought I would quote this one as you like to edit posts to change your wording.Just want to make sure I'm not over-stepping any bounds with my posts and I just want to make clear that I'm not hear to promote the guys product. I just saw the guys video and thought it would be interesting conversation as many scary facts were brought up in his video. I just want to make sure everything is kosher and hope that I'm not breaking any rules with this thread, as adoptascot has closed me down a great many times.Just let me know if I'm crossing any boundaries or anything like that and I'll comply. don't want to offend anyone, especially the Demi Gods of this forum.
'Closed you down a great many times'?, here we go again with you taking it so personally again that I closed a thread. Just for clarification when I say taking it personally I mean your campaign, duty, responsibility to make people aware about something.
I don't close anyone down, I wouldn't want to even if I could as everyone has a voice (which I always enjoy reading) but there's a difference between expressing an opinion and wanting a parade.