The fact of the matter is that there is more profit for SS from the maquette line, period.
A fully sculpted statue requires considerably less R&D, staff involvement and materials aquisitions.
Sculptor sculpts - molds are made - statue is cast - painted by Chinese worker at factory. No need to hunt down different fabrics, designing of outfits, engineering of electronics, etc... It's simply good business sense.
What can be mind-boggling to me are the designs and/or the characters being selected. The whole premise of "spreading out the central characters in order to give the line longer legs" is a huge FAIL. These are way too expensive to expect the customers to simply continue purchasing pieces IN THE HOPES of FINALLY completing The Fellowship Nine, for example. It's fustrating to the point that people are losing interest and/or trust with any new line.
My interest in the maquette line is simply one of obtaining "particular" pieces here and there. I won't fall into the "Fellowship Nine" trap yet again. I have a feeling that Osgiliath Boromir (which looks amazing so far, by the way) will unfortunately be the Gondorian Pippin of this line. I don't see Fellowship Boromir being released.
A fully sculpted statue requires considerably less R&D, staff involvement and materials aquisitions.
Sculptor sculpts - molds are made - statue is cast - painted by Chinese worker at factory. No need to hunt down different fabrics, designing of outfits, engineering of electronics, etc... It's simply good business sense.
What can be mind-boggling to me are the designs and/or the characters being selected. The whole premise of "spreading out the central characters in order to give the line longer legs" is a huge FAIL. These are way too expensive to expect the customers to simply continue purchasing pieces IN THE HOPES of FINALLY completing The Fellowship Nine, for example. It's fustrating to the point that people are losing interest and/or trust with any new line.
My interest in the maquette line is simply one of obtaining "particular" pieces here and there. I won't fall into the "Fellowship Nine" trap yet again. I have a feeling that Osgiliath Boromir (which looks amazing so far, by the way) will unfortunately be the Gondorian Pippin of this line. I don't see Fellowship Boromir being released.