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Well by the sounds of things it's only getting worse at Arsenal. Walcott has turned down a new contract over money, it's getting a joke now. They had this stadium built to compete against the biggest teams in Europe but the team just got weaker & weaker after every season. Something like 13 goals & 12 assists Walcott got last season, who are are they going to replace him with? According to Forbes Arsenal are the 10th most valuable sports team in the world, yet the show no ambition at all to match that. It's between Liverpool & City to get Walcott, hope he goes to Liverpool. Makes sense why City pulled the plug on Sinclair
I found out today that Arsene Wengar is the 2nd highest paid club manager in the world & highest in the Premiership earning more than Alex Ferguson a manager who has constantly won trophys to Aw 8 years of nothing. To me that just shows Arsenal are no longer a football team but a business. The board are basically paying AW that money to produce players on the cheap just to sell on for big money.
Been a business for some years now.

I hate to say it but things are stale with Wenger at the helm now. He is no doubt an amazing manager and has achieved so much but I think for me I am ready to see a new era at Arsenal. His philosophies are deluded. I also think we need to see some ambition at the board level.
You guys looking forward to coming to Anfield on Sunday? :D

I was at Anfield last season for this fixture and we were all over Arsenal. van Persie's cracking goal was the difference that day.
Been a business for some years now.

I hate to say it but things are stale with Wenger at the helm now. He is no doubt an amazing manager and has achieved so much but I think for me I am ready to see a new era at Arsenal. His philosophies are deluded. I also think we need to see some ambition at the board level.

:exactly: I think he is a great manager but I think he should move on to manage the French national team or something. Kroanke I think his name is? Should just go to, he's not there because he loves the club but because he views them as a business & lining his pockets with them. Let Usmanov buy him out. He's desperate to see Arsenal successful again & he's one of the richest men on the planet which is quite handy. If things carry on as now, then the futures looking bleak
You guys looking forward to coming to Anfield on Sunday? :D

I was at Anfield last season for this fixture and we were all over Arsenal. van Persie's cracking goal was the difference that day.

Smash and grab if I remember rightly?

should be a great game
You guys looking forward to coming to Anfield on Sunday? :D

I was at Anfield last season for this fixture and we were all over Arsenal. van Persie's cracking goal was the difference that day.

I am not looking forward to going anywhere right now. I am seriously worried for Arsenal. I have been this way for many seasons now but I actually feel this is us at our weakest for some time now.

I will be very very surprised if we come away from Anfield with even a point :(
You guys looking forward to coming to Anfield on Sunday? :D

I was at Anfield last season for this fixture and we were all over Arsenal. van Persie's cracking goal was the difference that day.

Yeah still looking forward to it. There always good games even though Liverpool seem to get the better of us at Anfield. Especially back in the Robbie Fowler days, he used to love scoring against us. If theres a loser that day someones going to be left on 1 or 2 points & a terrible start to the season.
I am not looking forward to going anywhere right now. I am seriously worried for Arsenal. I have been this way for many seasons now but I actually feel this is us at our weakest for some time now.

I will be very very surprised if we come away from Anfield with even a point :(

i think players like torres, rvp left liverpool arsenal just to win trophies, how much we bash them , they know something isnt right at the clubs they were at, , torres had hinted again and again that things are not exactly what we as fans see it at liverpool
and thats why i too feel now srsenal are more of a business now, too, in hindsight torres has justified his decison to leave
:exactly: I think he is a great manager but I think he should move on to manage the French national team or something. Kroanke I think his name is? Should just go to, he's not there because he loves the club but because he views them as a business & lining his pockets with them. Let Usmanov buy him out. He's desperate to see Arsenal successful again & he's one of the richest men on the planet which is quite handy. If things carry on as now, then the futures looking bleak

The guy that is ruining the club is a guy called Ivan Gazidis. It is apparently common knowledge he is an avid Man City supporter yet he is our Chief Exec :mad:

Who can remember a player ever running down his contract under Dein? Nope? Ok who can remember us selling a player to our biggest rivals under Dein? Nope again, okay. Who can ever remember us negotiating with so many mega rich clubs that we had no pride but to sell?
No again, me either...
So how has Van Persie, Walcott, Nasri, all been allowed to run down their contracts and leave us in a position where we are faced yet again with a transfer window of complete chaos?

For some reason Arsene has made it clear he does not want Usmanov as the majority shareholder at Arsenal :dunno
The guy that is ruining the club is a guy called Ivan Gazidis. It is apparently common knowledge he is an avid Man City supporter yet he is our Chief Exec :mad:

Who can remember a player ever running down his contract under Dein? Nope? Ok who can remember us selling a player to our biggest rivals under Dein? Nope again, okay. Who can ever remember us negotiating with so many mega rich clubs that we had no pride but to sell?
No again, me either...
So how has Van Persie, Walcott, Nasri, all been allowed to run down their contracts and leave us in a position where we are faced yet again with a transfer window of complete chaos?

For some reason Arsene has made it clear he does not want Usmanov as the majority shareholder at Arsenal :dunno

could be the money, ultimately being the highesy paid manager counts for something and if usmanov comes in , things could change a bit,, right now it looks like arsene isnt under any sort of pressure but to end 4th in the league, no manager worth his salt wouldnt just sit and watch the players her bought and developed being sold like that unless that was the objective in the first place
The guy that is ruining the club is a guy called Ivan Gazidis. It is apparently common knowledge he is an avid Man City supporter yet he is our Chief Exec :mad:

Who can remember a player ever running down his contract under Dein? Nope? Ok who can remember us selling a player to our biggest rivals under Dein? Nope again, okay. Who can ever remember us negotiating with so many mega rich clubs that we had no pride but to sell?
No again, me either...
So how has Van Persie, Walcott, Nasri, all been allowed to run down their contracts and leave us in a position where we are faced yet again with a transfer window of complete chaos?

For some reason Arsene has made it clear he does not want Usmanov as the majority shareholder at Arsenal :dunno

Yeah I know Gazidis is an ass & needs to go to. I don't know what he said to RVP but he did a terrible job in trying to comvince him to stay. RVP stopped the meeting short & said he was leaving & what's sickening about it is that they told RVP not announce he was leaving & Gazidis & Arsene carried on talking like there was a good chance he would stay because they didn't want it announced until after the season ticket shut off date. It's all about $$$ to them :gah: *******
Yeah I know Gazidis is an ass & needs to go to. I don't know what he said to RVP but he did a terrible job in trying to comvince him to stay. RVP stopped the meeting short & said he was leaving & what's sickening about it is that they told RVP not announce he was leaving & Gazidis & Arsene carried on talking like there was a good chance he would stay because they didn't want it announced until after the season ticket shut off date. It's all about $$$ to them :gah: *******

I didn't know that but it makes sense I guess. What a s***ty thing to do though. Yeah I am really fed up of them right now. I am very disillusioned with Arsenal! :monkey2