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Utd will never finish 5th. The worst position for them will be 3rd but I have a bad feeling they'll win it just with City 2nd. I think Chelsea will be comfortable 3rd & now this is when it gets hard, I would normally always back Arsenal for top 4 but it all depends on our two strikers gelling. It's kinda the same with the other teams to like Liverpool & Spurs, who are also both going through big changes so I think it'll all be down to who's gelling the quickest as a team. Everton & Newcastle I think there teams are bit thin but there definitely in with a shout.
Utd will never finish 5th. The worst position for them will be 3rd but I have a bad feeling they'll win it just with City 2nd. I think Chelsea will be comfortable 3rd & now this is when it gets hard, I would normally always back Arsenal for top 4 but it all depends on our two strikers gelling. It's kinda the same with the other teams to like Liverpool & Spurs, who are also both going through big changes so I think it'll all be down to who's gelling the quickest as a team. Everton & Newcastle I think there teams are bit thin but there definitely in with a shout.

I wouldn't worry about Everton or Spurs.:wink1:
It's simple to dominate United by overwhelming their midfield as many of them are either too old, slow or just plain rubbish.

If a team like Everton can make them look bad, then the real class teams will wipe the floor with them.

They'll make the top 10 but I think a lot of United fans are in for a reality check....nothing lasts forever.
I just realised were got your boys next. Just separated by a point, I can't believe how tight it is :wink1:
win or lose I just hope its not another goaless drew

I'm predicting a 2-1 win to us. If we play like we did against City (we completely outplayed them in midfield); we just need abit of luck infront of goal. I hope Sahin makes his debut.
Im going for this:

Man C
Man U
Arsenal Pains me to say

I think we have the stronger squad to get 4th, Arsenal have the know how. Liverpool still short for me and will take time to gel....
Could be 6th and may put the pressure on to the end.
surprise team for me will be fulham if they keep either Dembele or Dempsey. Jol nearly got them to there highest finish ever last season, his 1st season.
Shock to go down will be villa. No funds, no service for Bent. will probably just escape tho.
You've just sold your best player since Ginola and you have 3 days to find a replacement. And don't forget your lack of strikers (like us).:wink1:

True but we look pretty decent and should be spending a fair bit in the next few days.
Hope we get Willian to replace Modders and would love dembele.
Wondering if Jol may fancy a swap for some of his spurs old boys lol.

More than anything, I hope AVB gets the chance he deserves. I dont think the chelsea click respected him and what he did at Porto cant be ignored.
Same with Liverpool. I really rate Rogers. He deserves his chance and should be given the time he needs. I think he will get Liverpool playing how the fans want them to play in time.
You've just sold your best player since Ginola and you have 3 days to find a replacement. And don't forget your lack of strikers (like us).:wink1:

Yeah there coming in with way below offers right now for all there targets. With teams knowing there just got 33 million or so for Modric won't help either.
True but we look pretty decent and should be spending a fair bit in the next few days.
Hope we get Willian to replace Modders and would love dembele.
Wondering if Jol may fancy a swap for some of his spurs old boys lol.

More than anything, I hope AVB gets the chance he deserves. I dont think the chelsea click respected him and what he did at Porto cant be ignored.
Same with Liverpool. I really rate Rogers. He deserves his chance and should be given the time he needs. I think he will get Liverpool playing how the fans want them to play in time.

I like AVB; like Rodgers he just needs to be given time.

Yeah there coming in with way below offers right now for all there targets. With teams knowing there just got 33 million or so for Modric won't help either.

Always the way with money.:mad:

Joe Cole :wink1:

What will happen to him???

Apparently he did well in France, I know its France lol.
Id give him a chance then decide In Jan weather to sell.

Waste of space. He's injured AGAIN too.:wave
I like AVB; like Rodgers he just needs to be given time.

Always the way with money.:mad:

Waste of space. He's injured AGAIN too.:wave

Haha no way! I see him sitting on the bench Sunday.
Shame really. Talented player. Wouldnt be shocked if he moved on this window...
It's simple to dominate United by overwhelming their midfield as many of them are either too old, slow or just plain rubbish.

If a team like Everton can make them look bad, then the real class teams will wipe the floor with them.

They'll make the top 10 but I think a lot of United fans are in for a reality check....nothing lasts forever.

I dunno, your comical analysis seems to go on forever matey. Christ we get it, you don't like Utd. Get over yourself you annoying little man! :)
Im going for this:

Man C
Man U
Arsenal Pains me to say

I think we have the stronger squad to get 4th, Arsenal have the know how. Liverpool still short for me and will take time to gel....
Could be 6th and may put the pressure on to the end.
surprise team for me will be fulham if they keep either Dembele or Dempsey. Jol nearly got them to there highest finish ever last season, his 1st season.
Shock to go down will be villa. No funds, no service for Bent. will probably just escape tho.

Sounds about right....
Spurs have agreed a fee for Dembele. He'll be a really good buy, **** it :( ha

Absolutely gutted about that! Really wanted him to become a Gooner! Quality quality player.

We are f____d with Walcott looking likely to leave also now. Not that I think he is a star, just we have sold too many before him.

Sick of Arsenal being a feeder club now :mad:
Absolutely gutted about that! Really wanted him to become a Gooner! Quality quality player.

We are f____d with Walcott looking likely to leave also now. Not that I think he is a star just we have sold too many before him.

Sick of Arsenal being a feeder club now :mad:

You wont miss Walcott. He is so inconsistent and lacks a football brain.
Id take the money now. Wenger will probably have someone in mind if he were to leave.
I really thought he'd be the next big thing but he relies solely on pace and always looks nervous.

Hope the Dembele deal goes thru. Wouldnt be surprised if United matched his buy out last min.
Great buy for 15m