English Premier League EPL Thread

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Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

We can face Lyon, Valencia, København, Roma, Marseille, or Milan. I can't remember the last time we played a French side? Anyway, being in the CL has been amazing. I can only imagine how fun it must be to qualify all the time. I really just wanted to get to this point and see what we could do but now I'm thinking there's no reason why we can't advance another round or two? I know that we can compete with just about any club on anyday but avoiding the big Spanish sides really helps.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

We can face Lyon, Valencia, København, Roma, Marseille, or Milan. I can't remember the last time we played a French side? Anyway, being in the CL has been amazing. I can only imagine how fun it must be to qualify all the time. I really just wanted to get to this point and see what we could do but now I'm thinking there's no reason why we can't advance another round or two? I know that we can compete with just about any club on anyday but avoiding the big Spanish sides really helps.

True..but this next round is where it gets much harder. The EPL with be a little over halfway done with the season and players are going to be butt tired. Valencia are a very good team...as are Lyon and Marseille. Roma is kinda up and down this year. Milan is Milan...very tough at the San Siro.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

True..but this next round is where it gets much harder. The EPL with be a little over halfway done with the season and players are going to be butt tired. Valencia are a very good team...as are Lyon and Marseille. Roma is kinda up and down this year. Milan is Milan...very tough at the San Siro.

I normally follow Milan but this year I just havn't been up to it. I know they're at the top of the Serie A ATM, which is saying something. Roma just havn't been the same since Totti has slowed a step... The French clubs do worry me.

I'm just happy that Dawson is on the verge of a return, though I must say Gallas has had a bit more in the tank than I could have ever imagined. He's not where he was with you or Chelsea but still servicable.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

Iv got a sneaky feeling milan could do it this time around. The good thing for us is that we are a bit of an unknown side that is capable of scoring in any game and in 2s and 3s.
Valencia not the side they were and i really fancy us to progress. I wouldnt fancy lyon as they are very organised and dangerous.
I think wengers gambled again with his group games but not always fielding his strongest side and playing anyone of those sides epsecially with the home leg first is going to be tough.
Dawson played 90 mins and scored the other night and i can see him partnering gallas at the back.
We need to get palacios playing well and quick. He is worrying me at the moment
Got a feeling we will sign parker in jan which at the moment, would walk into our midfield.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

Iv got a sneaky feeling milan could do it this time around. The good thing for us is that we are a bit of an unknown side that is capable of scoring in any game and in 2s and 3s.
Valencia not the side they were and i really fancy us to progress. I wouldnt fancy lyon as they are very organised and dangerous.
I think wengers gambled again with his group games but not always fielding his strongest side and playing anyone of those sides epsecially with the home leg first is going to be tough.
Dawson played 90 mins and scored the other night and i can see him partnering gallas at the back.
We need to get palacios playing well and quick. He is worrying me at the moment
Got a feeling we will sign parker in jan which at the moment, would walk into our midfield.

I think this is Barcelona's to lose again this year. They are too strong of a team.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

Iv got a sneaky feeling milan could do it this time around. The good thing for us is that we are a bit of an unknown side that is capable of scoring in any game and in 2s and 3s.
Valencia not the side they were and i really fancy us to progress. I wouldnt fancy lyon as they are very organised and dangerous.
I think wengers gambled again with his group games but not always fielding his strongest side and playing anyone of those sides epsecially with the home leg first is going to be tough.
Dawson played 90 mins and scored the other night and i can see him partnering gallas at the back.
We need to get palacios playing well and quick. He is worrying me at the moment
Got a feeling we will sign parker in jan which at the moment, would walk into our midfield.

Yeah, the loss of Huddlestone has been rough. Palacios' passing has really limited his progress. He was such a shot of energy when we first bought him a couple years back too. We need better play in front of our back four, that's for sure.

Yeah, I saw that he played a full 90 with Spurs XI, which is wonderful. He was on the bench for the past two fixtures as well.

Have you heard anything on Ledders?
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

A man is sitting in a pub with his Jack Russell dog one Saturday afternoon. The football results are coming up on the television in the corner, "Liverpool 2, Tottenham Hotspur 1," reads the announcer in his normal, rather sedate, voice.

Suddenly the Jack Russell dog jumps up and shouts out, "Oh, no, not again."

The shocked landlord says, "That's amazing. Why did he say that when the result was announced that Tottenham lost?"

"Because he's a Spurs supporter," the dog's owner replies.

The landlord then asked what the dog says when Tottenham win a match, to which the man replied, "I don't know. I've only had him three years."

:mwaha:mwaha:mwaha ;)
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

A tourist is in North London one Saturday and he decides he would very much like to go to a football match, so he asks a man in the street if there are any local matches being played that afternoon.

"Well," replies the man, "the Arsenal ground is very close but they're playing away today. If you feel you really must see a match, the Tottenham ground is not that far away. You go straight down this road and you'll see two queues, a big queue and a small queue.

You should go to the small queue because the big one is for the fish and chip shop.

Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

What is the difference between spurs and a fork?

A fork has more points!

What have Spurs and a matchstick got in common?
Both got two points.

What's the difference between Spurs and a Triangle?
A triangle has 3 points.

Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

A young boy goes to social services and tells them he has nowhere to live. “What about your parents?” asks the social worker. “No, they beat me,” says the boy. “What about your grandparents?” says the social worker. “No, they beat me even harder!” says the boy. “Well … where do you want to stay then?” replies the social worker. “Tottenham,” says the boy. “They don’t beat anyone.

Many moons ago when I was at school, two of my mates were Spurs supporters. They would go to White Hart Lane and wait for about ten minutes after kick off and climb over the wall. One Saturday a policeman caught them and he made them go back in and watch the rest of the game!

A man was found dead floating in the Thames, wearing a blond wig, full make-up, bra, knickers, suspenders and a Spurs shirt. Before informing the next of kin the police removed the Spurs shirt to save the family embarrassment.

Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

And the best one for last.

I was up at Spurs and decided to get a cup of tea from the burger van, i asked the guy if he could rustle me up a cup or a mug, and he replied…… “Sorry mate no cups, they’re all at Arsenal, and the mugs are on the pitch!!

Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

The last i heard of king was that he was seeing a specialist about his groin but i dont think he is to far away. People forget palacios lost his brother not long back (murdered)
Probably having a major impact on his form... didnt like hearing the spurs fans cheer when he put a pass right a few weeks back :(
Kaboul should be fit for blackpool and even a slight chance vdv might make chelsea :)
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

young, cold and often hundreds of miles away from their real parents...
Beaten regularly at their new home and under constant threat threat of a paedophile father figure.
But you can help, for just £45 a week you can support Arsenal.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

The last i heard of king was that he was seeing a specialist about his groin but i dont think he is to far away. People forget palacios lost his brother not long back (murdered)
Probably having a major impact on his form... didnt like hearing the spurs fans cheer when he put a pass right a few weeks back :(
Kaboul should be fit for blackpool and even a slight chance vdv might make chelsea :)

Funny with Kaboul, it's not that I didn't see his imense talent the first time through but I really rate him highly now. He's still flying under the radar a bit but his game isn't far from world class, IMHO. He's got all the tools.

Great news on VDV! I thought he was out at least another week or two?

I love Wilson and I really hope his game comes back around. If anyone can help get him back to form it's Harry... Honestly, Harry has done great work with what we had when he came to the club. He's done wonders with Gareth, that's for sure.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

young, cold and often hundreds of miles away from their real parents...
Beaten regularly at their new home and under constant threat threat of a paedophile father figure.
But you can help, for just £45 a week you can support Arsenal.

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Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

Yeah vdv saw a dutch specialist this week who is known for speeding up recovery.... helped robben in the world cup when he should have probably not made it.
Kaboul has really impressed me this season. He always used to switch off but your right, he's big, quick and calm under pressure.
Still not convinced with BAE. He can sometimes play really well then he will go and do something stupid or give away a penalty.
Think we need a new, quality left back.
Re: English Premier League EPL - 2010-2011 Season

young, cold and often hundreds of miles away from their real parents...
Beaten regularly at their new home and under constant threat threat of a paedophile father figure.
But you can help, for just £45 a week you can support Arsenal.

That's not funny....also pretty slanderous to call Wegner a pedophile. Jokes are jokes but that crosses the line.