Great sculpt, and overall an impressive piece. But I'm actually kinda disappointed. I wanted to see Enterbay stomp Hot Toys on this one, but Hot Toys for the win.
Now, as a fan, I can ***** all I want about inaccuracies, and it's not much more than just another opinion to those who can look past the flaws and decide to love this piece. But as a professional in this industry, I have to say there are just too many less than stellar creative decisions here for me to fully appreciate this. Some would say, "if you're a professional, you shouldn't trash what other people are doing. That's not very professional." And I totally agree; it's not professionally politically correct. However, at this level of the game, when creativity is driven by a demand for the attention to detail that today's collectors (including myself) want and expect, I have to speak up and ask
why wasn't this better.
Here's my list of things that I just don't understand why they did what they did, or failed to do some things better.
-Extra left forearm. WHY? It doesn't have an undamaged jacket to hide the forearm.
-Mini gun and one bandoleer. WHY? Are these extra parts for the first release? If so, that means one figure will be inaccurate without a bandoleer.
-Extra grey t-shrit. WHY? Again, this has to be for the first issue. It makes no sense at all that this figure should need it.
-Unbroken granade launcher stock. Again, must be for the firs release, right? At full BD stage, the stock should be broken.
-Three undamaged left hands and two undamaged right hands.

Perfect for converting your first version into a Cyberdyne assault version, if you happened to get it. Why didn't they just make a separate accessory pack for the first one instead of dumping it all into this one where it's dumb?
-No realistic metallic finish. Understandably, Enterbay may not have the factory capabilities of Sideshow or Hot Toys to plate parts, but I can achieve a realistic chrome finish at my own paint table at home. It's tricky but really not that difficult.
-The damaged left endoskeleton arm should not remain structurally intact minus the hand. At this stage in the movie, the remaining bits are bent, dislocated, and hanging from the upper arm. Hot toys nailed it. What's so hard?