You don't go back into a burning building for this figure... keep that **** close by so when you bolt out of the house you can grab it on your way out.
I wasn't thinking straight
You don't go back into a burning building for this figure... keep that **** close by so when you bolt out of the house you can grab it on your way out.
From what I hear on this one, there's even more to be wowed by than the first T-800, but even that figure stirred up all that, and the Rambo does for me as well. Their size and price are a little inconvenient, but these HD figures really live up to their name, they are the Blu-Ray of figures where Hot Toys is like the DVD, with Sideshow being like VHS
Oh sheeeeeeeeeet!!!
Marf they are easily my favourite pictures of this guy.
His right boot pops off rather easily and his left leg is longer, but that is an easy fix right? I remember some folks having that issue with the first T2.
nice pics your setup too
Yep really nice pics by marfmaster, is this your only 1/4 scale figure marf?
Now that would make a great figure.
Here is a link to the fix for the leg issue that was common on the first T-800, fixed my issue with the leg length.
Click on the pics for a description of each stage. Basically take the shorter leg, bend the leg all the way back at both knee joints and apply some pressure to pop the knee joint out a bit.
That's really just a workaround. The problem is the T-bar the hip joints connect to is uneven.
T800 finally is in da house....
Only 30$ to pay customs...
From what I hear on this one, there's even more to be wowed by than the first T-800, but even that figure stirred up all that, and the Rambo does for me as well. Their size and price are a little inconvenient, but these HD figures really live up to their name, they are the Blu-Ray of figures where Hot Toys is like the DVD, with Sideshow being like VHS
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