You don't go back into a burning building for this figure...
...you keep that **** close by so when you bolt out of the house you can grab it on your way out.

You don't go back into a burning building for this figure...
...you keep that **** close by so when you bolt out of the house you can grab it on your way out.
From what I hear on this one, there's even more to be wowed by than the first T-800, but even that figure stirred up all that, and the Rambo does for me as well. Their size and price are a little inconvenient, but these HD figures really live up to their name, they are the Blu-Ray of figures where Hot Toys is like the DVD, with Sideshow being like VHS![]()
Oh sheeeeeeeeeet!!!
Marf they are easily my favourite pictures of this guy.![]()
His right boot pops off rather easily and his left leg is longer, but that is an easy fix right? I remember some folks having that issue with the first T2.
nice pics marfmaster...like your setup too![]()
Yep really nice pics by marfmaster, is this your only 1/4 scale figure marf?
Now that would make a great figure.![]()
Here is a link to the fix for the leg issue that was common on the first T-800, fixed my issue with the leg length.
Click on the pics for a description of each stage. Basically take the shorter leg, bend the leg all the way back at both knee joints and apply some pressure to pop the knee joint out a bit.
That's really just a workaround. The problem is the T-bar the hip joints connect to is uneven.
T800 finally is in da house....
Only 30$ to pay customs...
From what I hear on this one, there's even more to be wowed by than the first T-800, but even that figure stirred up all that, and the Rambo does for me as well. Their size and price are a little inconvenient, but these HD figures really live up to their name, they are the Blu-Ray of figures where Hot Toys is like the DVD, with Sideshow being like VHS![]()