Thanks, David!
Yap, Arnie was here at Zee Last Stand press conference on previous Wednesday and for some city walk with having a good bar time. He loves to visit Moscow at winters somewhy, maybe it's coz of good memories about Red Heat filming. Or maybe coz we have a lot of crazy **** happens here all the way all the time, I don't know.
Was cool to see him and even to ask him a few questions. But after conference journalists raised some noisy mess instead getting their autographs quietly and the security took Arnie away very fast. Was pretty painful, I was very close to him in line.
BTW, I did not liked this movie, the only enjoyable thing there is to watch Arnold himself on big screen again. Really disappointed with the main villain who's one boring Alex DeLarge and Heath Ledger's Joker mix.
r5150s, nothing added there.
1) Took off the "meat plug" from the elbow. Forever. Throw it in the trash can!
2) Carefully bend a little bit the left piston with two pairs of small pliers.
3) Sew the center shaft for 2/3 and than break it with bending.
4) Carefully add some scratches and chips on the edges with the wire cutter. This metal is pretty soft.
It's done! 15 job, really!