ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series-Terminator 2-BD T-800 Full Specs and Pics

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Thanks everyone! :)

The legs seem fine but like any new figure they're really stiff. So far so good. I'll check it all out probably this weekend.

Yes. Easily.

Hey man... remember the endo knee is double jointed. For mine, the paint made the top half stuck to the leg. I had to sort of force it, and free it up. Now it works smoothly.
I got a feeling that once we are suck into 1/4th we can never go back to 1/6th. the level of detail this platform provides will push the limit of collectibles. what are your tots?

EB t800 bd could be the breakthrough figure that pushes market towards 1/4th collectibles. again Ht tot so too by testing the responds on tdk batman and endo.
Anyone willing to part with there weapons set????

I wont hold my breath, bc i know if you spend this much on a figure the last thing you want to do it part it out. . . but hopeing against hope?

If anyone has a set please pm me


Yeah sorry to hear that. I can imagine the rage you must feel. I'm 95% expecting mine to be here tomorrow but if that other 5% turns out to be right I won't be able to contain my annoyance - especially because I'm off tomorrow and it would be the perfect day to get it. Thursday notsomuch.

I've seen people say they will be doing this. Possibly Rzeznikk.

Yessuh Ill be selling off pretty much everything that isnt picturee in Voorhees photos. Also not sure of cost, was thinking of putting it on ebay since I dont know how much to let it go for.

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I got a feeling that once we are suck into 1/4th we can never go back to 1/6th. the level of detail this platform provides will push the limit of collectibles. what are your tots?

EB t800 bd could be the breakthrough figure that pushes market towards 1/4th collectibles. again Ht tot so too by testing the responds on tdk batman and endo.

I would almost call that a 'fear' of mine. If 1:4 takes off bigtime then theres a chance companies will just keep pumping them out - not just 'iconic' characters/looks but even lesser characters and lesser variants of the big characters. 1:4 scale releases will become more frequent and harder to keep up with.

However, I'm not sure yet if this will be the case considering the prices they are now and what they'll be even in the near future.
more pics !
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I got a feeling that once we are suck into 1/4th we can never go back to 1/6th. the level of detail this platform provides will push the limit of collectibles. what are your tots?

EB t800 bd could be the breakthrough figure that pushes market towards 1/4th collectibles. again Ht tot so too by testing the responds on tdk batman and endo.

There will always be a market for 1:6 but this collectible has opened the door for me. Also has made me look at 1:6 in a different way. Ill definitely be stepping back from 1:6 in a big way this year.

Really hoping we see more film icons like this guy in 1:4 HD. Indy. Sparrow. And Im eagerly waiting for HT 1:4 Predator.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
I got a feeling that once we are suck into 1/4th we can never go back to 1/6th. the level of detail this platform provides will push the limit of collectibles. what are your tots?

EB t800 bd could be the breakthrough figure that pushes market towards 1/4th collectibles. again Ht tot so too by testing the responds on tdk batman and endo.

I love both. If you want one crazy good figure to represent an entire film/franchise etc, then a 1:4 like this is the way to go. If you want a group of figures, like a Nolan batman collection with all the various batman suits and enemies and vehicles, 1:6 is the way to go. I'm currently enjoying a good mix of both sales on my shelves!
more pics!

Excellent chroming Rob. Sorry I didn't comment before, I was busy being angry at the apparent death of the tracking on mine. All good now though.

I think you should add back on some blood though. Anyone else think it needs the blood back?

I like your improvement to the BD arm too.
Stunning pics rob and great job on that chrome, you're a brave man!

I would almost call that a 'fear' of mine. If 1:4 takes off bigtime then theres a chance companies will just keep pumping them out - not just 'iconic' characters/looks but even lesser characters and lesser variants of the big characters. 1:4 scale releases will become more frequent and harder to keep up with.

However, I'm not sure yet if this will be the case considering the prices they are now and what they'll be even in the near future.

I can't see it mate. I think 1:4 is reserved for the big guns, true icons which will definitely sell. Enterbay seem to know this with what they've released so far. Space and cost is just too much on 1:4! It's hard enough keeping up with them now! :lol
I love both. If you want one crazy good figure to represent an entire film/franchise etc, then a 1:4 like this is the way to go. If you want a group of figures, like a Nolan batman collection with all the various batman suits and enemies and vehicles, 1:6 is the way to go. I'm currently enjoying a good mix of both sales on my shelves!

This is where i'm at right now. Though I intend on switching about 90% of my collection to 1:4 scale. Right now I just can't part with my Iron Man figures.
I can't see it mate. I think 1:4 is reserved for the big guns, true icons which will definitely sell. Enterbay seem to know this with what they've released so far. Space and cost is just too much on 1:4! It's hard enough keeping up with them now! :lol

Well, space is a collectors concern, its not a concern for toy companies...well not in quite the same sense at least. People always say they're running out of room but that doesn't mean Hot Toys is going to ease up on putting out figures. Theres always new people to buy them even if a few longer-standing collectors drop out.

They surely would be concerned about cost though. Even HT must be wondering how far they can push their prices before too many people say '**** that'. So definitely I can see EB and HT looking at characters for possible 1:4 scale treatment and asking 'is that character a sure enough seller that customers will pay what we are going to ''have to'' charge?'
Congrats, Voorhees! Hopefully mine will pop up one of these days... it's still within eBay's delivery window (which ends on Friday :lol), so fingers crossed.