Well, I did indeed receive mine today. No customs fees which I'm obviously delighted over. Sorry to you guys who are being hit by them.
Of minor disappointment is the external chrome sleeve has some scuff marks and creasing on it - and for some reason Timcent didn't put it back around the main box on mine, he folded it over and left it off. He took a chance there - only I had heard already that he was opening the figs to inspect them for flaws before sending them out, I might have been upset to realise that my figure had already been opened. But no worries, I knew, and in this case I think it was a good idea for all of us. The rest of Timcents packaging was absolutely fantastic - no chance at all of this arriving with damage unless a ****ing washing machine fell on it. I was very impressed with that.
The figure by the way is ****ing amazing. The likeness is right there and I'm pleased to report that I, he who is obsessed with Arnolds hair, am 100% happy with the hair and overall headshape. They obviously knew of the criticisms of the previous figure's hair and they nailed it this time. I can't tell you how relieved I am over that. The hair has bugged me to some degree on every T-800 figure since the NECA ones of '09/'10. Theres always been some angle where a given figure's hair looked wrong or ridiculous. Not so here. Every angle is perfect.
Additionally - another weakness of the previous EB head has been corrected - at least as much as it can be with a seperated head and neck - the jawline is improved. The previous figure's jaw looked a bit boyish in profile - it lacked what some of us hilariously called Arnie's ''neck pouch/throat pouch''. This new BD figure has it, albeit still slightly hindered by the head being seperate from the neck....that since I've mentioned it is my only annoyance about this figure. I think at this scale an all-in-one head and neck would be more appropriate.
Oh and lest I forget - the human eye looks much more alive (and wide awake) than the eyes on the first EB T-800. Gone is that criticism too!
The eyebrow is more prominent - I find that in a lot of pics the eyebrows on the previous figure tend to disappear making it look like they were burnt off like in T1. But that won't be a problem on this BD T-800.
So the headsculpt, although representing the battledamage look rather than the clean look, nevertheless has a superior Arnold likeness, the human aspects are improved all over the place.
Everything else...my god...the weathering on the clothes is just unreal. The endoskeleton parts look fantastic. We had our complaints about the accessory list, the lack of a 2nd bandolier and so on...but those complaints easily become overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the figure itself.
Why are you still reading this? Order this figure!
I'll post pics later. I haven't even taken everything out to fully appreciate it.
Of minor disappointment is the external chrome sleeve has some scuff marks and creasing on it - and for some reason Timcent didn't put it back around the main box on mine, he folded it over and left it off. He took a chance there - only I had heard already that he was opening the figs to inspect them for flaws before sending them out, I might have been upset to realise that my figure had already been opened. But no worries, I knew, and in this case I think it was a good idea for all of us. The rest of Timcents packaging was absolutely fantastic - no chance at all of this arriving with damage unless a ****ing washing machine fell on it. I was very impressed with that.
The figure by the way is ****ing amazing. The likeness is right there and I'm pleased to report that I, he who is obsessed with Arnolds hair, am 100% happy with the hair and overall headshape. They obviously knew of the criticisms of the previous figure's hair and they nailed it this time. I can't tell you how relieved I am over that. The hair has bugged me to some degree on every T-800 figure since the NECA ones of '09/'10. Theres always been some angle where a given figure's hair looked wrong or ridiculous. Not so here. Every angle is perfect.
Additionally - another weakness of the previous EB head has been corrected - at least as much as it can be with a seperated head and neck - the jawline is improved. The previous figure's jaw looked a bit boyish in profile - it lacked what some of us hilariously called Arnie's ''neck pouch/throat pouch''. This new BD figure has it, albeit still slightly hindered by the head being seperate from the neck....that since I've mentioned it is my only annoyance about this figure. I think at this scale an all-in-one head and neck would be more appropriate.
Oh and lest I forget - the human eye looks much more alive (and wide awake) than the eyes on the first EB T-800. Gone is that criticism too!

So the headsculpt, although representing the battledamage look rather than the clean look, nevertheless has a superior Arnold likeness, the human aspects are improved all over the place.

Everything else...my god...the weathering on the clothes is just unreal. The endoskeleton parts look fantastic. We had our complaints about the accessory list, the lack of a 2nd bandolier and so on...but those complaints easily become overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the figure itself.
Why are you still reading this? Order this figure!
I'll post pics later. I haven't even taken everything out to fully appreciate it.