ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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Fantastic looking figure.
Congratulations to all who are getting/got one!

Quick question out of sheer curiosity: how articulated is it? Does it pose well?
The problem is, at least in my case, I was positioning the head first. Once the head is posed, I position the clips to where the cowl is located. The problem with this is that the head basically gets in the wrong position cause you have to position the head where the clips HAVE to be positioned.
Basically, the clips HAVE to be in a specific spot cause of the magnet underneath the suit.

What I, and probably several people tend to do is position the clips according to where the head is...that's wrong. We should position the head according to where the clips are because the clips HAVE to be in a designated spot cause of the magnet inside the chest area.

Once I figured that out, as I mentioned, I reversed the order of futzing. I put a magnet on the left side, then another magnet on the right side of the chest. Place the cape over the magnets, then trap the cape with the magnetic clips. Now, move the cowl according to where the clips are.
Hope its making sense.
By doing so, I was even able to place part of the clips above the cowl.


Can't the magnet underneath the suit be moved around under there? That's what I was hoping for.

Oh ok, I see. Awesome pic btw :) However I don't like how it looks tbh. I'm ordering an lforigno cape right away so hopefully it'll look ace according to my standards :D

What about his set-up don't you like? The clips on top of the cowl? THe cape on top of the cowl? Or just the cape in general?

Honestly Remy's pics make this figure look better than any others posted yet.

You're welcome man.
I am also curious to see the final stage of Lforigno's cape.
At the moment though, I'm actually liking the stock cape. It seems to drape well and it doesnt look cheap like Hot Toys cape.
But if Lforigno's cape turns out much much better than the stock, then I'll have to snag one as well.
I have his cape on my dx02 and its night and day. No way I can go back to stock cape on that figure.

That's the thing, once you've seen in hand what the improvement it makes it really sells itself this time around. I can't wait to get it.

I still need to do the belt mod too :lol

Really hope whatever lforigno comes up with can be placed on top of the cowl in a natural looking way.

But those clips have GOT TO GO!

The look great to me when they are up on the cowl a bit.
Well I wouldn't say they have to go, they need to be modded. The problem is having that magnetic pull from within the suit. I'm not willing to tamper in or around the suit :lol

First thing I'm going to do when he arrives. :lol

A good friend of mine is going to be scaling down the real cape clips to 1/4 scale and will be making me a set. They MAY be available real soon.

I'll be curious to see these.

You planning on making them work with the provided magnets?

Pure sex.

Thanks Mags.

No, I went ahead and used Testor's Gloss Spray.
I used it on my 1/6 Cap for the gloves and boots and when applied sparingly, it does a great job. I just remembered that the reason my 1/6 bats is too wetlike is because I used gloss paint, not spray.
What I like about the spray is that it coats evenly.

I'm having a hard time ordering Lforigno's cape cause I do love the stock cape. And indeed, the only thing I dont like about the stock is that I wish it was longer. But I love how it looks and drapes over the figure.
But I'll make up my mind if I need to order a custom cape when I can compare the pics with the stock.

Same here. Lance's pics show how nice it drapes and how deep the black is, but I need to see how it will look on top of the cowl. I have a feeling that because it's the same design as the 1/6 cape it's going to look oddly forced to get it pulled up over the cowl from underneath. :/
I've yet to see apic where the clips look remotely good tbh

Looking at the cowl I could be fooled it's a screenshot in some pics ...
then my eyes gaze a little lower to those clips


Illusion is shattered
You're a brave man Mags :lol But to answer your question (accuracy or not) I don't like both the clips and cape to sit above or aside the cowl. It needs to look more neat for it to suit my liking. Just my taste I suppose.

To be clear, the reason you don't like the clips is that they are too big?

Too big, poorly detailed (expect better at this scale) and due to the nature of them being magnets, never in the right position (and I imagine even if you get them in the right position they won't stay there very long)
You're a brave man Mags :lol But to answer your question (accuracy or not) I don't like both the clips and cape to sit above or aside the cowl. It needs to look more neat for it to suit my liking. Just my taste I suppose.

I have a theory on that.

We've all been looking at the clips next to the cowl, and the cape under the cowl (instead of on top of) for so long in 1/6 that we all thought that's how it actually was in the film. It wasn't until screen caps started showing up that we saw the truth. It was an adjustment for me, but the cape and clips on top have really grown on me. I look forward to experimenting with it.

Too big, poorly detailed (expect better at this scale) and due to the nature of them being magnets, never in the right position (and I imagine even if you get them in the right position they won't stay there very long)

okey doke
Yep, this should be the reference photo on how to do the cape & clips if possible. Problem is, given the way EB chose to do them it's gonna be difficult.

Not impossible though! I'm hoping with Lance's cape there is enough material where you can pull out some extra from where it goes around the neck hole to get a look close to this...even if I have to fasten down the damn clips with a freakin nail gun. :horse

Can't the magnet underneath the suit be moved around under there? That's what I was hoping for.

Not really sure, the opening in the neck area was tight, I did peek in there to try to move the magnets but I couldn't, so I stopped cause I didn't want to tear the rubber at the neck area.

Same here. Lance's pics show how nice it drapes and how deep the black is, but I need to see how it will look on top of the cowl. I have a feeling that because it's the same design as the 1/6 cape it's going to look oddly forced to get it pulled up over the cowl from underneath. :/

I have a theory on that.

We've all been looking at the clips next to the cowl, and the cape under the cowl (instead of on top of) for so long in 1/6 that we all thought that's how it actually was in the film. It wasn't until screen caps started showing up that we saw the truth. It was an adjustment for me, but the cape and clips on top have really grown on me. I look forward to experimenting with it.

You are absolutely correct. Since in the movie his cape is so black, and just about everyone modded their cape where the cape is underneath the cowl, we all thought it was the correct way.
Now that I know the cape is actually on top of the cowl, I can't go back to having it underneath the cowl.
And actually, to me it looks even better. Has a better transition between the cowl and Cape.
I'm excited to see lots of people having theirs shipped by EB.
already emailed them and waiting for reply.
need my joker to complete this fantastic duo:yess:

edit: I just got this reply

Dear Customers,

Thank you for your email. Due to the huge amount of email we receive
everyday, please be patient with us regarding on your inquiries; we
aim to reply you within 7 working days.

Thank you for your attention.

*Customer Service Team*
I wonder if the people who work at the Anaheim USPS sort facility are all high on drugs, retarded or half asleep 24/7.

Mine still stuck in the f*^king sorting facility... it's been days now !