ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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I took a small piece of wire & connected the edges of the cape about an inch apart and just used some blue tack on the cape clips...not bad. If you fold the cape back right you can get a pretty decent look...should be the same with Lance's cape I would imagine. I plan to give the gauntlets the satin finish this weekend.




BTW just for Maglor....no doll dots on the eyes...that just light reflecting on them. :yess:
Great shots Karnis.

Yeah, I'm sure something along those lines would work great.

I hope a customizer/caster is taking notes! :lecture

I was also thinking about a more pliable plastic than the solid plastic Hot Toys (and I'm guessing Enterbay) use for the clips. Maybe use the same plastic that's used for the cowl.

You can see in the following pics how they sort of bend over and attach to not only the cowl but the suit and cape as well.



BTW just for Maglor....no doll dots on the eyes...that just light reflecting on them. :yess:

:lol :yess:

Your cape placement is perfect. The clips have a slightly odd angle to them right now, but whatever you did for the cape looks great.
Thanks. To be honest I just kind of plopped them on for right now.

I'll futz with it in more detail later....try to take some more pics with different cowls & faces in the morning when I get some better light.
Voorhees, did you read my clips attachment tip?
After I figured it out, it was very easy to attach them.

Hmmmm I think so. Was it you that recommended posing the cowl first, then the cape and then the clips last? I did that yesterday and although it still looks sloppy it worked.

Annoying? Rage inducing, more like. 10 minutes with these ****ing magnets and you'll need anger management counselling!:balrog

:lol The day I opened mine my wife left the room because I made her feel uncomfortable with all the cursing :lol
Hmmmm I think so. Was it you that recommended posing the cowl first, then the cape and then the clips last? I did that yesterday and although it still looks sloppy it worked.

:lol The day I opened mine my wife left the room because I made her feel uncomfortable with all the cursing :lol


My wife didn't bat an eye-lid....I guess she's used to my foul mouth! She wasn't overly impressed with all the smashed furniture, though! :lol
Hmmmm I think so. Was it you that recommended posing the cowl first, then the cape and then the clips last? I did that yesterday and although it still looks sloppy it worked.

:lol The day I opened mine my wife left the room because I made her feel uncomfortable with all the cursing :lol

Yeah, but its backwards. Futz the cowl last.
ignore the placement of the cowl, put the left and right magnet on the chest, then put the cape on, then put the clips to sandwich the cape.
Now move the cowl into place.
Hmmmm I think so. Was it you that recommended posing the cowl first, then the cape and then the clips last? I did that yesterday and although it still looks sloppy it worked.

Yeah, but its backwards. Futz the cowl last.
ignore the placement of the cowl, put the left and right magnet on the chest, then put the cape on, then put the clips to sandwich the cape.
Now move the cowl into place.

For those that really hate the clips/magnets, perhaps the Karnis method would be preferred.
Thanks...I took them off to dig inside the suit & look for the stupid magnet. Fixing them now. Duh, they're even marked on the inside L & R.

Congrats Karnis on recieving your Batman,mine should be here sometime next week I hope.
In regards to your magnet problem you might want to get a bigger magnet and scan the body of your batman with it and the big magnet might just locate it for you when it comes in close contact with the smaller magnet traped in side the body of your batman.Also you can use the big magnet to locate the one you lost in the carpet of your office by dragging it across the area the you think it dropped.Hope this suggestion helps you to find them.

My wife didn't bat an eye-lid....I guess she's used to my foul mouth! She wasn't overly impressed with all the smashed furniture, though! :lol

:lol:lol:lol HULK SMASH! :D


Pretty much same here...although my fiancée left the room because I was dancing around in my pants with joy.

That came afterwards, after I made an ass of myself, calmed down and realized how swearing at a toy looked :lol

Yeah, but its backwards. Futz the cowl last.
ignore the placement of the cowl, put the left and right magnet on the chest, then put the cape on, then put the clips to sandwich the cape.
Now move the cowl into place.

Gocha. That's where i'm at now :)
Congrats Karnis on recieving your Batman,mine should be here sometime next week I hope.
In regards to your magnet problem you might want to get a bigger magnet and scan the body of your batman with it and the big magnet might just locate it for you when it comes in close contact with the smaller magnet traped in side the body of your batman.Also you can use the big magnet to locate the one you lost in the carpet of your office by dragging it across the area the you think it dropped.Hope this suggestion helps you to find them.

I consider it a blessing in disguise that it worked out the way it did. The way I have it now is 10x easier to deal with. Thanks anyway.
Looks great Jye, I can already see your set up displayed.

1/4 HT TDK
1/4 HT 89 Batman (or Returns)

1/6 DX12
1/6 BB
1/6 89 Batman

1/6 Tumbler for 1/6 BB to stand next to
1/6 Batpod for DX12 to stand next to
1/6 89 Batmobile for 1/6 89 Batman to stand next to

3 down, 6 more to go.


That's a lot of Black.

Nah, just look at all that yellow eminating from Keaton's chest. :rotfl

Is this after the clearout of non-Batman stuff? You get it all sold already?

Yes sir, 89 Joker shipped out today and DX02 ships out tomorrow. :yess:

Once you go black, you don't go back. :rotfl

Congrats Karnis! Awesome setup guys, minus jye's, his looks stupid.


Here's one solution to that problem. Have tabs underneath the actual clips so that they rest on top of the edge of the cowl. Sort of like an interlocking step.

It's the only other solution I can think of other than having the rings that the actual prop cowl had.

Here's a crude illustration of what I had in mind if any customizers wanted to try it out before making molds.


Yes, this. :lecture