ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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has anyone bought one from timcent on ebay ?? he has sold 102 of these apparently and its the exclusive buckle i am after with it ideally.... just wondered if anyone had bought one from him and got hammered by customs cos thats what im worried about !!

Hi there ,I got one from him,and he is great to deal with ,got it 4days later once I payed ,didn't get hit from customs but I'm in Australia , good luck ,it is a awesome batman begins the best out there
has anyone bought one from timcent on ebay ?? he has sold 102 of these apparently and its the exclusive buckle i am after with it ideally.... just wondered if anyone had bought one from him and got hammered by customs cos thats what im worried about !!

This is the same guy I just bought the joker & batman from!! The guy is very responsive. I paid him 3pm HK time (5pm their mail office close), two hours later got a tracking number!!! He shipped one & will ship the other one later to avoid over weight item or potential duties.
I don't think I'll be able to resist this figure for much longer. I think I'll have to part with my DX01 and DX02 and replace them with these Enterbay offerings as my Nolan Batman collectibles.
I don't think I'll be able to resist this figure for much longer. I think I'll have to part with my DX01 and DX02 and replace them with these Enterbay offerings as my Nolan Batman collectibles.

I'm getting close to ordering the Batman myself. I think it looks great.
don't get me wrong, i love your way and it looks also more accurate, but i was just "afraid" that i would have always to reposition those magnets, when i pose the head more down or looking higher. the clips with the paper between cowl and cape allows you to position them very quickly, but i might try your way too as i like it from the design more.

how is it when you want to reposition them, do the magnets move under the suit with the magnet above the suit, or do you have to reposition first the magnets under the suit where you're wanting them and afterwards putting the magnets above the suit for the clips?

To move the clips, you have to first reposition the magnets under the suit. It is a bit of a pain, but I've gotten pretty good at doing it quickly.

1) Pop the head off.
2) Stick your finger inside the suit and move the magnets where you want them.
3) Put the outer magnets in place to keep the inside magnets from being lost inside the suit. (Always keep a magnet in place on the outside for this purpose.)
4) Pop the head back on.
5) Position clips/cape.


No its one of Lances cape. not too keen on the stock cape, its a nice material but it just wasn't black enough or long enough, and i wanted it to drape nicely.

Very nice. THat's actually the first pic of one of lances capes on this figure that really makes me want it. How is it attached? Are you using the clips/magnets the same way Enterbay intended?
i finally took my EB bats out for display and it was very frustrating putting him together how i wanted but when i put him in the display my jaw dropped. this guy is a beautiful beast. love it cant wait for hot toys 1/4 bat
Very nice. THat's actually the first pic of one of lances capes on this figure that really makes me want it. How is it attached? Are you using the clips/magnets the same way Enterbay intended?

Yeah, i havn't touched this guy yet in terms of mods, i will eventually be lowering the belt. I might move the magnets although i don't really have an issue with them currently they stay on as intended(even with a head tilt). His Mangina isn't as prominant as some pics but i'll be sorting all that out too.

Lances cape really is amazing on this guy, it doesnt contrast with his head or suit its just the right shade of black to make it pop.
Hey guys, did you have news from waiman?
I send him an email but I didn't have an answer yet :)