ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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Odd thing for me about this figure is that the head sculpt doesn't bother me; it's the clothes. You'd figure that at this scale getting the right material would be easier than 1/6. One of the things I love about HT's T-800; the clothes look fantastic. On this one, for me, not so much.

Hmm. To me the only thing slightly wrong is the jacket looks a bit too thick and puffy - is that your main problem area?
Extra feet?? What use is that? Bizarre.

And unless they're giving him Sarah's shotgun from the end of the film for some inexplicable reason...:dunno

Very odd. But that means the endo arm will be in the box so I'm happy.
Wow, this looks fantastic! I was gonna wait for Hot Toys BD T-800 but I might have to pick this one up as well!

A mini Arnold in my house. :yess:
Surely he must mean extra hands and the rosebox.

Unless they've specifically sculpted 'boots that are meant for walkin'! Like bent up at the toes or something.
well first off, this WAS explained to me at the show, but secondly - I forgot the exact reason why for the feet. He was mentioning something about the feet coming out of the boots or pegging in or something. I am sorry I don't remember. I think part of it was that I was confused as well at the time. But yes, I was emailed specifically that it was an extra shotgun and feet. Not hands. Hope you can hold out for a better explanation, sorry.
Gotta say he looks great in this pic... although with a 1/4 piece I'd almost prefer the swappable style wrist/hands from the old BL figures. Seeing a 1/4 ball joint is kind of distracting on a large piece.

Since this is a 1/4 scale poseable figure, how else would you do a wrist joint?. I said it from the very begining, this figure was going to be the sh't.

SSC Legendary scale figures..pfftt...if you know what i'm saying.

the sculpt is on par with some pieces SS has released IMO (kinda looks a bit like Brad Pitt), but the paint is through the roof..... Thats where the real bar is raised... :monkey1

1/4 Bruce Lee Statues cost less than $200. Add more accessories/clothing and it shouldn't cost more than $300. I understand that this is a figure and not a statue but still, logically shouldn't cost more that $300.

It's supposedly fully articulated.

This may be the thing that keeps me from buying it. Not sure. I would have rather had an awesome static pose like the ETD Lee which in my eyes is simply amazing.
Ill bet the extra feet are for the scene where arnold is walking down the hallway with the shotgun. Perhaps a bent foot to show him walking and hands working the lever action on the shotgun?
This may be the thing that keeps me from buying it. Not sure. I would have rather had an awesome static pose like the ETD Lee which in my eyes is simply amazing.

agreed, I don't like the wrist joints being so visible. A static pose with the shotgun over the shoulder would have been perfect.
I'm still shocked it is only $280. Considering how much Enterbay usually charges for 1/6 figures, this is close to being no price difference. Isn't Leon in the mid 200s? This is a really good deal even compared to the Hot Toys T2 on the after market.
This may be the thing that keeps me from buying it. Not sure. I would have rather had an awesome static pose like the ETD Lee which in my eyes is simply amazing.

agreed, I don't like the wrist joints being so visible. A static pose with the shotgun over the shoulder would have been perfect.


Statue > Figure for me, although I know I'm probably in the minority.

Not to mention that Enterbay has a history, at least with the 3 Enterbay figures I have, of having really wonky joints, particularly in the legs and ankles. With this being a figure, I'm really worried that it will be hard to keep it standing up properly.

Statue > Figure for me, although I know I'm probably in the minority.

Not to mention that Enterbay has a history, at least with the 3 Enterbay figures I have, of having really wonky joints, particularly in the legs and ankles. With this being a figure, I'm really worried that it will be hard to keep it standing up properly.

Im not as concerned with the joints as much as I am about the paint apps. I can live with wonky joints, but not with terrible paint apps. But I hope both turn out good for that matter.