ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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NO WAY!I'm out!For that price i can go and get a Hot Toys T2/T-800!Just when i thought ENTERBAY was going to put out an AWESOME figure for a GREAT PRICE but i should've known better than that!Oh well!^_^
$380!!!! better be a huge discount at BBTS :lol

but in all seriousness, that blows. Just like you, Ceeemor, I thought EB was really going to but something out at a great value for the collectors. But, at least I have my HT T2 T-800
Wow quite a few jumping off this bandwagon. If this were a statue I'd jump off no question but as a 1/4 poseable figure my interest is still there despite the price. Still want to see official pics and in-hand pics too though.
I don't think $380 is all that expensive, all things considered. Typical Hot Toys figures nowadays are around $200 (Nicholson Joker being the most ridiculously priced 1/6th figure at $265). PFs are around $300-350 pretty consistently. Given the size, complexity, and presumably fancy paint apps, I think the price is fair. Assuming the production version doesn't turn out to be garbage.
I don't think $380 is all that expensive, all things considered. Typical Hot Toys figures nowadays are around $200 (Nicholson Joker being the most ridiculously priced 1/6th figure at $265). PFs are around $300-350 pretty consistently. Given the size, complexity, and presumably fancy paint apps, I think the price is fair. Assuming the production version doesn't turn out to be garbage.

It is to me. At this price this figure is just not worth it. They are not statues, they are still action figures...a damn nice ones of course but still. Also HT starting to get ridiculous also at their prices. 260-270 dollar for a 12 inch figure? They are beautifull don't get me wrong, but the Joker is way overpriced too and I have a bad feeling about this...I gues in the future the 230-240 dollar price will be the standart at HT.
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I don't think $380 is all that expensive, all things considered. Typical Hot Toys figures nowadays are around $200 (Nicholson Joker being the most ridiculously priced 1/6th figure at $265). PFs are around $300-350 pretty consistently. Given the size, complexity, and presumably fancy paint apps, I think the price is fair. Assuming the production version doesn't turn out to be garbage.


It is to me. At this price this figure is just not worth it. They are not statues, they are still action figures...a damn nice ones of course but still. Also HT starting to get ridiculous also at their prices. 260-270 dollar for a 12 inch figure? They are beautifull don't get me wrong, but the Joker is way overpriced too and I have a bad feeling about this...I gues in the future the 230-240 dollar price will be the standart at HT.

So if this were a statue it would be worth it?:dunno:cuckoo:
since you already have 12" neca and hot toys options, really there is no need for a 24" t-800 and the pricing is just silly goose.

now if enterbay was savvy they would have made something we dont see readily available and ask for high price we would justify to pay, which is of course a 24" rambo IV. but we know how enterbay operates with sense not common.
So if this were a statue it would be worth it?

To me a statue is worth more than a figure. I love figures of course but still. The SS T1 PF is worth more to me than Enterbay's T2 T-800 figure.
since you already have 12" neca and hot toys options, really there is no need for a 24" t-800 and the pricing is just silly goose.

Correction there is "no need for a 24" t-800 in your collection" ..yes there is already an awesome 12 figure,and yes there is the larger Neca version but what if people want a figure with a similar level of quality and articulation of the hot toys figure but on a larger scale! that's where this piece comes in.

Don't give us the "there is already a this or that so we don't need this" attitude ..how many collectibles in different formats have come from Predator,Alien or even Ironman?!:dunno ..loads!:lecture
Yeah and many of us don't have a T2 Arnold in our collection so we will have a chance this way. Because you don't need one that doesn't mean everyone else are feel the same way.
Its funny the perception of worth from different beholders. To me a statue is useless to put it bluntly. I would look to pay low for one if I was after it and expect a high quality poseable figure to cost more.
For me, in this case, i see it as spending $400 for a larger version of something i have. This is the HT figure blown up basically, some things a little better sure, but i just don't feel like i'd be adding something unique and special enough to take the money away from other figures. $400 could buy me a BD T1 and T2 if they're ever done and those would mean much more to me. If money were no object or T2 my lone focus in collecting, i'd get this at $400, but in my budget, $250 area is about as high as i'd go.
is there any hopes that Enterbay will make either Cyberdyne fight or battle damage in this size?
Its funny the way it is right now - everyone making non-BD versions of Arnie. For years thats what I craved because all you could get was no-likeness BD figures. Now the opposite is the case - for some reason no ones making BD T-800s (proper ones with exposed endoskull, chest etc not talking about a bloodied eye here)
Hopefully this figure is successful enough and then enterbay will pursue a T2 BD T-800. Now that would be worth spending $400 dollars on imo.
Hopefully this figure is successful enough and then enterbay will pursue a T2 BD T-800. Now that would be worth spending $400 dollars on imo.

the only good ones out there is the custom stuff and the SS bust, I've been waiting for a BD Arnie for a long time. I bet we see one in the new LSF line, that would be worth selling off most Terminator items imo.
Its funny the perception of worth from different beholders. To me a statue is useless to put it bluntly. I would look to pay low for one if I was after it and expect a high quality poseable figure to cost more.

For me, statues are in an "art" category and poseable figures are in a "toy" category. But to each his own.

$250 area is about as high as i'd go.

That's the highest i would pay for this, still a nice representation but i don't need it that bad.