Super Freak
Holy CRAP, how am I not gonna get this! 

besides the sculpt being great, the EB body is just perfect for T2 Arnie!
besides the sculpt being great, the EB body is just perfect for T2 Arnie!
besides the sculpt being great, the EB body is just perfect for T2 Arnie!
Do you think we can wait until we see in hand pics before we buy this or it will be too late?
I really really like this but I am afraid the in hand pics will not look as good as the prototype pics.
I am new to collecting figures (I only own 1 HT figure, Spiderman, so far), I am a statue guy, for statue 1/4 scale is MUCH more impressive than 1/6, I wonder if that will be the same case with the figure.
I have T1 PF on order, I would like to display this with T1 PF. I could not pull a trigger on T2 PF because the body is too damn thin. By judging from the proto pics by far this is the best full figure/statue T2 I have ever seen from any companies.
Does BBTS charge you for canceling preorders?
everytime I'm about to PO this thing, i read ppls complaints about the QC of either Leon or the latest GOD BL figure...QC seems to be a pretty bad thing with EB