Hey man! Long time no speak, I reverted to lurking on this forum ever since they revamped the site. How much did your Enterbay/Subway Bauer go for if you don't mind me asking? I'm not really too sure on his value these days, especially when it's so hard to find them now. I paid £230 for him if I remember rightly and I just want my money back really so wacked him on ebay at best offer from £287 as people tend to give stupid offers
It would appear that I sold mine for $210 shipped, possibly lower. $210 could have been what I listed it at and I may have come down from that. I sold it on SSF, on ebay I'd have looked for more probably - but I'm an ebay selling virgin.
Long time no speak indeed. I never went away, although I post less than I used to. Mainly I'm in the NECA threads