Yeah, I could be completely wrong but the only time it seems to me that Enterbay has made what you could call a overall failure, where it seems nearly everyone was disappointed, is just GoD and IP-Man. I think there was also a problem with the Dragon Ball Z eyes on some figures and MiB seemed to have poor QC too but that seemed to be limited. Other than that, all their 1/4 releases, their statues, their past 1/6 releases: The Professional, Kobe, Elvis, Scarface, Che, etc, I don't see any wide-spread problems there. Some I've never seen any reports of issues. The idea then that every EB figure is going to be messed up seems greatly exaggerated to me.
People have received faulty figures outside of those I mentioned - SAB recently posted about a messed-up 1/4 Bruce Lee body - but that seems to me to be within reason that some might receive the odd faulty figure. After that though, you get into customer service but I think that's a separate issue. And with that particular figure too, being new, perhaps we'll see more complaints in time and include that alongside GoD, that's possible.
I could be completely wrong on some of these points, perhaps I'm missing something - I can accept that. Correct me if so. But just from own reading over the years it seems like there's a lot of exaggeration about the likelihood of faults in Enterbay releases. Just the page back, for example, Monger's claim of the 'Enterbay cycle' including "Mass scale quality control issues everywhere." I can see where that claim comes from but when I look at their past releases that to me seems the rare exception, not the rule. From the level of fault on GoD I feel buyers should perhaps be leery, and perhaps wait for in-hand reports (which of course is not a positive for Enterbay), but to say that's it's a certainty that every release - or even half the releases - are guaranteed to have significant problems seems way off to me.