Why would they (or anyone else) pay so much $ for a license that is probably over priced and filled with pitfalls (i.e. license/likeness approvals) and possibly minimal returns based on an MSRP of $199.99 or more given the current economy (i.e. disposable income is not what it used to be)?
The only route for individual collectors to go is the bootleg/unofficially not licensed route/custom project path . . . like many have done in the past with varying cost & quality in the end product.
If EB (or anyone else) produced an officially licensed & high quality 1:6 version of characters from DIE HARD or LETHAL WEAPON with the same level of attention & detail as their regular offerings for a price point of $149.99 or less, then I believe more collectors may buy in, but we all know that is and will not be the case for obvious reasons.
I cant see anything new coming out at the $150 range. All the regular issue HT's are at $194.99. If done well, id pay over $200 for a John Mcclane for sure!