Enterbay Game of Death 1/6 2010

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Jokes aside, do you look at your updated head and feel that it is what EB's should have been? (btw didn't this all start with a paint rub on the nose?) To me, as a GoDless observer, it always seemed that the BD HS was the weak link in the set - the smiling sculpt leaves it for dead IMO. But your paint app changes everything. If EB don't revise the paint for their September batch, you might have to start opening yourself up for commissions :D

@ Ray - nice score Ray, I'm surprised an EB-hater like you bit the bullet :lol
Jokes aside, do you look at your updated head and feel that it is what EB's should have been? (btw didn't this all start with a paint rub on the nose?) To me, as a GoDless observer, it always seemed that the BD HS was the weak link in the set - the smiling sculpt leaves it for dead IMO. But your paint app changes everything. If EB don't revise the paint for their September batch, you might have to start opening yourself up for commissions :D

@ Ray - nice score Ray, I'm surprised an EB-hater like you bit the bullet :lol

Thanks man. Yes, on two counts, I always felt the BD head was a little bit of a let down, I never posed him with it until now, and yeah, it started with a nose rub! I wouldn't have dared even try it except for the fact I had an extra set. I have a lot of experience painting, but not for years and never on a 1/6th head.

The one thing I was amazed at was how well the head "took" paint, if you know what I mean. It seems to be porous, so a warning to anyone who might be thinking of touching up their head, start lightly. Subtle washes, because once it's on, it doesn't wipe off as you would expect it to on a plastic head. It soaks in. It didn't take long though!

I thought Gung made it clear you are not allowed to buy anymore BD heads Larry?
That might have been before you posted your pics. Gung might want an extra BD head as well now :D

If EB don't revise the paint for their September batch, you might have to start opening yourself up for commissions :D

I have a lot of experience painting
Yeah I want my BD head repainted by Rory. I have a spare, why not? If one day you decide to offer your services. Let me know how much :D
I wouldn't have time Larry, but thanks for the compliment.
I might do it as a free favor for a couple of nice freaks on here though.
Some new pics. I just took them on my office desk, I couldn't spend too much time on it, but I was trying to go for that low light look that was a bit closer to GOD look. These are raw pics, nothing graded or touched up, single source daylight. One day when i Have time I will try and match the lighting from GOD. Too much to do, too little time!

First a couple more head comparison shots.


It REALLY is sensational. So what were the techniques you used? Did you do watered down acrylic washes over the full face and layer them? dry brushing? It really makes the one on the left look like an early prototype and the one on the right ALIVE.

Ive yet to even open mine and I'm already thinking I have to do this..

I've had some success putting subtle color into flat looking sculpts with chalk pastels, a soft brush and pencil crayon skin texturing. Then seal the whole thing with a dull coat spray.

Washes never seem to work for me, they never seem to look even and smooth...

All my life I've been ok with drawing and making art but never seem to have much luck with paint...

This Terminator head I stripped off the factory paint and it was almost pure white underneath and i did the whole thing minus the eye(s) and lips with pencil crayon and pastel... its hard to see because i didn't light these properly, it's an iphone and an underlit/ low depth of field pic but i think this might be the only way I'm able to pull off refining the BD BL sculpt. Still don't think I could get it to look as good as yours though.


Jokes aside, do you look at your updated head and feel that it is what EB's should have been? (btw didn't this all start with a paint rub on the nose?) To me, as a GoDless observer, it always seemed that the BD HS was the weak link in the set - the smiling sculpt leaves it for dead IMO. But your paint app changes everything. If EB don't revise the paint for their September batch, you might have to start opening yourself up for commissions :D
:goodpost::exactly::hi5: Agreed 100%!
@ Ray - nice score Ray, I'm surprised an EB-hater like you bit the bullet :lol
Agreed 200%! :D :nana:
That's what I meant silly.



If this happens, I think I need a better BD head, like the one you got. To recreate the conditions leading to your superior BD head :D I went from being green to being excited. Thanks for the free offer. I like freebies, but I'd rather pay the good guys :D How about (please don't laugh if it's a stupid offer, I don't know how much custom jobs cost :D ) $50US for your troubles? :D

I don't know what to say other than ..... thanks Rory :monkey2
I'm too lazy to go quote the pictures where people were discussing the pupils, but can anyone post a reference pic of Bruce that shows this well?
No money. I'm not into that side of collecting?. Pick up another head then and we can discuss again. Anyhow I'm not sure Gung will allow you another head!
No money. I'm not into that side of collecting?. Pick up another head then and we can discuss again. Anyhow I'm not sure Gung will allow you another head!
:monkey2 Thanks Rory :D
Gung doesn't need to know about another BD head

I thought Gung made it clear you are not allowed to buy anymore BD heads Larry?

Hey Larry ! I am following you like a hawk !


Holy CRAP!!! Guo Bei mailed my BL out 3 days ago and its here! 3 days to get from Beijing to New York!! Insane!

Will open later!

Thanks to Gung Fu for the recommendation!

Raymond !!! That is so freaking' AWESOME !!!!

I can't wait for your feedback about this set - if all the parts has arrived with absolutely no damage at all, that you are satisfied with this work of art, your experience with Guo Bei - and if you want a towel (just kidding... Hehe...) !

If you have any flaws or problems we will deal with it right away Raymond !

That might have been before you posted your pics. Gung might want an extra BD head as well now :D

I definitely want an extra BD head and take Rorywan up on his very kind offer

I'm too lazy to go quote the pictures where people were discussing the pupils, but can anyone post a reference pic of Bruce that shows this well?

Yes I see it in that pic I was referring to a picture of the real Bruce :D

Let me se what I find.... By the way, do you mean where we see Bruce's eyes and pupils - or from the side angle, or what exactly do you mean Y4NK33 ?... Hmmmmm....

:monkey2 Thanks Rory :D
Gung doesn't need to know about another BD head

I said I am watching you like a hawk ! Argh....


By the way, where is the best place to get this head now ? Bei, EB, eBay (geeeez... all these names are almost the same !!!) OR should we maybe wait till September and see what turns up in terms of improvements ?
Let me se what I find.... By the way, do you mean where we see Bruce's eyes and pupils - or from the side angle, or what exactly do you mean Y4NK33 ?... Hmmmmm....

Ok I'll try to explain a little better hehe.

The BD sculpted pics Rory posted people were stating how the difference in the eyes/pupils on the Rory's made the sculpt look "more like Bruce". So, I'm just wondering if someone could post a picture from the GOD film where we can see his eyes, in order to make a comparison to EB's eyes/pupils & Rory's. :)