Enterbay Game of Death 1/6 2010

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Here are some pictures of my GOD BD head recast/repaint project so far.

The result of your first cast looks really good and promising ! This would open up allot of great possibilities in you custom process !

I am looking forward to the continuance of this cool project !
Here are some pictures of my GOD BD head recast/repaint project so far.

This is the recast head out of the mold. On the right is the original GOD BD head that I stripped the paints off of. The recasted head came out very nicely capturing every detail of the original head. It is hard to tell in these pictures, because details does not show up well on white resin head. Recasting process was a little bit more involved due to moveable eye system. First mold did not work, because the silicone mold around the eye socket kept getting pushed when the resin was curing and expanding. Material around the eyesocket is very thin, and the smallest movement will completely ruin the eye area. I had to remold it so the eyeholes will be filled with a thin film, and cut it out afterward.



And this is after I had accidentally sprayed it with an ENAMEL, and had to scramble to remove it without damaging the resin! Luckily, Pinesol worked just fine. My paints are kinda thrown all together in one box, and I didn't pay attention and mixed enamel into acrylic.:slap

And this is after the base coat. Details are more visible now. It even captured the fine eyebrow lines. I am happy that my very first recast project is moving along quite well. I hope to recast EB Kato and ETD ver B headsculpt in the future.



Looking great, my friend!!!
I just did my first ever mold and cast the other day too!
I used Smooth-on Oomoo 30 and Smooth-on Smoothcast 300. I didnt use a vacuum chamber so my cast has a few tiny airbubbles on the front of his face and a big one inside his mouth.:gah::gah:
Which mold/casting materials did you use and did you use a gas chamber to eliminate bubbles?
Any tips you have for eliminating air bubbles?
Thanks Gungfu. yea man the figure is pretty sweet. its just bumming me cus i cant pose him doing anything with the right arm just the left.

Don't worry ComicLover47 -I am very confident that this will work out just fine. It might even be a very positive experience. Some of us have had small problems like rub stains on the head sculpt, black stains on the body, etc. - and your flaw is a very valid reason in which you should get a replacement without any hassles at all.

As mentioned earlier in this tread: It is better to make the extra efforts now and be totally satisfied, than to have a figure which you cannot fully enjoy and be totally satisfied with in the long run. It is a little hassle right now - but hey, it will be worth it ! Even one forum poster here who manage to break the leg when playing a little roughly (nothing sexually by the way [that we know of that is.... Hehe...]) with it and he got a figure body replacement (of course after I twisted his arms and mange to persuade him to send Enterbay an e-mail about this). So do not worry

...don't think - just do it !

Keep us updated .
Don't worry ComicLover47 -I am very confident that this will work out just fine. It might even be a very positive experience. Some of us have had small problems like rub stains on the head sculpt, black stains on the body, etc. - and your flaw is a very valid reason in which you should get a replacement without any hassles at all.

As mentioned earlier in this tread: It is better to make the extra efforts now and be totally satisfied, than to have a figure which you cannot fully enjoy and be totally satisfied with in the long run. It is a little hassle right now - but hey, it will be worth it ! Even one forum poster here who manage to break the leg when playing a little roughly (nothing sexually by the way [that we know of that is.... Hehe...]) with it and he got a figure body replacement (of course after I twisted his arms and mange to persuade him to send Enterbay an e-mail about this). So do not worry

...don't think - just do it !

Keep us updated .

:horror :horror :horror
Don't worry ComicLover47 -I am very confident that this will work out just fine. It might even be a very positive experience. Some of us have had small problems like rub stains on the head sculpt, black stains on the body, etc. - and your flaw is a very valid reason in which you should get a replacement without any hassles at all.

As mentioned earlier in this tread: It is better to make the extra efforts now and be totally satisfied, than to have a figure which you cannot fully enjoy and be totally satisfied with in the long run. It is a little hassle right now - but hey, it will be worth it ! Even one forum poster here who manage to break the leg when playing a little roughly (nothing sexually by the way [that we know of that is.... Hehe...]) with it and he got a figure body replacement (of course after I twisted his arms and mange to persuade him to send Enterbay an e-mail about this). So do not worry

...don't think - just do it !

Keep us updated .

Agree with everything GungFu said but it's really perplexing how EB can continuously ship out defective sets this long after the initial release. I think there's only a handful of us that got 100% mint sets, the majority seem to have run into QC issues. EB needs to get their act together on this...
Check out this custom "Game of Death" diorama shown in a Hong Kong Bruce Lee Exhibtion (notice the stairs going down):



Here is from the more hard core diorama maker (in Japan I think - and smaller than 1/6 scale):


This Japanese custom creation had all the filmed "Game of Death" fighters:


Agree with everything GungFu said but it's really perplexing how EB can continuously ship out defective sets this long after the initial release. I think there's only a handful of us that got 100% mint sets, the majority seem to have run into QC issues. EB needs to get their act together on this...

:exactly: I got mine from OSB but I remember WaiMan saying on his FaceBook page that he checked through them all & I think he said 99% of them had a defect. Most just miner but still they shouldn't have any for a highend collectiable, so he sent them all back to EB to be put right. Which I've got to say was excellent service from OSB but it's a shame because EB make some amazing figures, there GoD is definitely one of my highlights of the year, I love it. They just need to sort there QC out & then they'll strive.
That just goes to show that OneSixthBruce.co.uk - and Wai Man - give the very BEST service !

Btw, congratulations RagingBull

Hope to maybe see some photos.
Post a pic comiclover, would be interesting to see since this is the 1st I've heard of this issue on this thread that I recall.
I am trying.lol bloody camera doesn't seem to want to work with me today. Its weird its like the elbow joint slid lower down the arm so it doesn't bend unless you force it but when you do it doesn't stay bend.so it has kind of a loose arm syndrome
Even one forum poster here who manage to break the leg when playing a little roughly (nothing sexually by the way [that we know of that is.... Hehe...]) with it and he got a figure body replacement (of course after I twisted his arms and mange to persuade him to send Enterbay an e-mail about this).


..... & actually, I contacted GB to replace the body, not EB :D
Check out this custom "Game of Death" diorama shown in a Hong Kong Bruce Lee Exhibtion (notice the stairs going down):


This Japanese custom creation had all the filmed "Game of Death" fighters:


I really like the stairs going down. An interesting touch that gets you the effect without having to have the full stairs. Very nice....wish Enterbay's dio had something like that.

Love the Kareem figure in that custom set as well!​
will do.spoke to Gui Bei.he said to check if the joint has popped out or not. I will try that and see what happens.pics will prob be up sometime later today.hopefully

He's one of the good guys!

When I ordered a Gambit TT from him, I got sent a loose one by mistake. A whole leg had broken off it, he let me keep the broken one, which had very useful parts and sent me an MIB replacement.

If EB can't help, he can!

Check out this custom "Game of Death" diorama shown in a Hong Kong Bruce Lee Exhibtion (notice the stairs going down):



Here is from the more hard core diorama maker (in Japan I think - and smaller than 1/6 scale):


This Japanese custom creation had all the filmed "Game of Death" fighters:


These are so cool!

That stone head makes me think of Mt Rushmore. Hmm, who would the other faces be I wonder?

So is Enterbay losing a lot of money on this because of the quality control problems?

Well Monger...... At least they are dealing with the problems, which is a good thing right ?

..... & actually, I contacted GB to replace the body, not EB :D

He's one of the good guys!

When I ordered a Gambit TT from him, I got sent a loose one by mistake. A whole leg had broken off it, he let me keep the broken one, which had very useful parts and sent me an MIB replacement.

If EB can't help, he can!


Yes, you guys are absolutely right: GB will always help. But it might sometimes be easier and go much faster - in case he does not have a stock or has to forward the defect part down to Enterbay in Hong Kong and then have the replacement/fixed part sent back up to him in Beijing before he can send a replacement. But again, you guys are right
Yes, you guys are absolutely right: GB will always help. But it might sometimes be easier and go much faster - in case he does not have a stock or has to forward the defect part down to Enterbay in Hong Kong and then have the replacement/fixed part sent back up to him in Beijing before he can send a replacement. But again, you guys are right

He's got 2 loose GOD RM-X's in stock so you may be lucky.
