Here are some pictures of my GOD BD head recast/repaint project so far.
This is the recast head out of the mold. On the right is the original GOD BD head that I stripped the paints off of. The recasted head came out very nicely capturing every detail of the original head. It is hard to tell in these pictures, because details does not show up well on white resin head. Recasting process was a little bit more involved due to moveable eye system. First mold did not work, because the silicone mold around the eye socket kept getting pushed when the resin was curing and expanding. Material around the eyesocket is very thin, and the smallest movement will completely ruin the eye area. I had to remold it so the eyeholes will be filled with a thin film, and cut it out afterward.
And this is after I had accidentally sprayed it with an ENAMEL, and had to scramble to remove it without damaging the resin! Luckily, Pinesol worked just fine. My paints are kinda thrown all together in one box, and I didn't pay attention and mixed enamel into acrylic.
And this is after the base coat. Details are more visible now. It even captured the fine eyebrow lines. I am happy that my very first recast project is moving along quite well. I hope to recast EB Kato and ETD ver B headsculpt in the future.