I know Indy, but who the @$#& is Alice?
maybe you are right...maybe...but I own more of 160 1/6 figures and this is the best I can do for them from now...
I know Indy, but who the @$#& is Alice?
I know Indy, but who the @$#& is Alice?
Alice from the 'Resident Evil' movies. Played by Milla Jovovich
alice alice who the _____k is alice...cue for a song methinks
I know Indy, but who the @$#& is Alice?
you could wash the suit in mild soapy water, then give it a cold water + vinegar wash, then a clean water rinse. That should fix the colours somewhat.
Or you could be like, who cares 'cause how much do you really want to display Bruce's torso anyway
Need some hi-res shots of body and heads again. GO!
Yank, what did you enquire Magnus about? hmm?? I hope it isnt the Scarecrow...
Yep, but I don't think Scarecrow is worth 200+ so he's all yours
Hey I have a question guys. I was wondering how bad is the staining problem with the Game of Death Bruce Lee bodies? I still haven't dared to put on the upper part of the suit.
Is the later batch movie resistible towards staining or it's still the same?
I know I should probably wash the suits once. Does the suit still stain the body after wash? What did you guys do? Waiting for some advice. Thanks!