Very disappointing. I have no interest in an old man JCVD at all...
why not?
I'm belgian, I should love JCVD, but.. not really. As much as I liked Bloodsport, it was for another reason (various fighters & fighting styles), & for me the young JCVD will just remain a cheesy action hero, & a stiff one, not elastic like asians can be. And with no personality (in his movies).
BUT, the real JCVD is outside his movies. To start with he is, and has always been, a kind of out-of-this-world philosopher. The french have always mocked him for that, he's not fully human, he has the weirdest thoughts, and that's really part of his charm.
Then JCVD came back as a touching old man, first in the JCVD movie, now in that Volvo ad - which IMHO really is about him as a touching old man, I really could care less about a stupid legs split. See the irony & nonsense in his speech at the beginning of that ad, that's his "alien" side. Then watch his old, wrinkled face, and read in his eyes, that's what he is, a touching old guy who, unlike other old movie stars, still seems very human & honnest, & yet out of this world.
IF EB writes one on his french lines he's famous for, on the plaque (or an alternate one), I'll buy it.
I'll just translate a few of his famous french quotes so that you understand:
(while he was drinking water) "I love water. In 20-30 years, there won't be any left".
1+1=1 (& then goes for the weirdest explanation).
This is really what I wanna see on the figure's plaque: 1+1=1. Then I buy it.
A biscuit has no spirit, it's just a biscuit. But before that, it was milk & eggs. And in eggs, there is potential life.
If you phone to a psychic and she doesn't pick up the phone before you called, hang up.
I believe in the moment. If there is no moment, at that moment, you must end up at that moment, in the moment you want.
You need no flash when you take a pic of a rabbit that already has red eyes.
If you're lost in the forest and you stand still for 2 years, moss will grow on your leg. That's north.
We don't have the same notion of time according to the species, that's what makes it possible for me to pass my hand in-between you & me like this, because for oxygen, one second may be 10 seconds, and for concrete, it may be a millisecond.
But I suppose that JCVD is really not seen the same way in France as in the US. That's the very reason behind the JCVD movie, btw.