That is incredibly dishonest of you to keep a product for which you have been refunded. I wish I'd done that.

I gave them time, I even told them to just send me the replacement parts, to which they agreed to send in 2 weeks. It had been a month and nothing. Then, I just wanted my money back and was ready to ship the figures back.
I don't want the figures anymore. But everytime I look at the sculpts, I still want them, but then I look at them and don't want them.
Anybody interested? $320 and they are both yours shipped to the US. One thing, though (many things actually), K has 2 left biceps and no jacket, the rubber on the chest was trimmed around the arms to allow better range of motion for the arms on both figues, Js body has Truetype legs. Ks joints underwent the glue treatment, no longer loose, and Js jacket clip fell off. Everything else, including the extra weapos are included.
Thought I'm not decided yet, but will most likely let them go.