Enterbay Michael Jordan

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Actually the Hornets had some damn good teams for a couple of years there, with Paul, David West, , and Peja Stojakovic. They just weren't the best team in the league those years.

What about the days of Vlade Divac, Elden Campbell, Larry "Grandma-ma" Johnson and Mugsie (sp) Bogues? Hornets were stacked when they traded that 17-year old kid named Kobe away.

They did, but it was evident in the post-season that team effort wasn't there. Especially when you go through 5 coaches in 10 years. That whole organization still baffles me to this day.

Don't forget good ol' Alonzo Mourning! haha


Some points I took from googles translation:

- EB is still waiting for the NBA & Michael Jordan's approval.
- Will have slightly bigger muscles than Kobe.
- Still adjusting jersey, will be corrected.

Looks like they are using Kobe's body temporarily.

Holy cow, that's absolutely fantastic!!! :panic:
I'm definitely buying this. This uniform style is much better than the style on the kobe figure.

P.S. i can only imagine the delay on Lebron is due to the bigger body?
How can you guys who buy these Enterbay basketballs even tolerate those knee joints. Easily the stupidest thing I've seen on a modern 1/6 figure. I'm not saying don't make it jointed and go the rubber route as that would impede articulation for all of their little jumps and twirls and such. But that joint is like a straight out of the box truetype leg.

Awful and ruins the whole thing, the elbow joints aren't the best I've seen either,

absolutely agreeing with you mate. i critisized the body earlier too, as i just don't like it and still asking myself how and why on earth they've done those knee-joingts so ugly. it was clear, that these areas will be visible, so every other company would take their time with some new ideas to hide those joints. but enterbay? they're making them brutally visible PLUS super-ugly ^^

but still, there is hope that they've learned from the kobe figure and will bring us a new and normal body for mj.


Some points I took from googles translation:

- EB is still waiting for the NBA & Michael Jordan's approval.
- Will have slightly bigger muscles than Kobe.
- Still adjusting jersey, will be corrected.

Looks like they are using Kobe's body temporarily.

Unbelievable!! EB did it right and that HS is dead on! But I do agree the uniform should be a little more loose.
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I have zero interest in owning this figure... but damn if that is not as close to 1/6 perfection as you can get.

I really hope EB makes this body available separately; I can't think of any really tall not massively muscled bodies out there.
This is easily the most amazing digital Jordan piece you could ever own, I've got some great ones but this is beyond any of them.
Wow, i wouldn't know where to display this but, thinking about picking it up..anyone know what the price will be?.
i wish they make michael jordan black label 1/6 statue...
i hate joints.. but since it's black maybe it wont be so obvious..
most definitely getting this 23..
Translate from Enterbay's CEO Bill's Weibo:

Michael Jordan 乔丹人偶初期定装样板,这是借用了科比的素体来看个大概感觉,乔丹专用素体还在调整中,也会稍微比科比素体大一点肌肉饱满一点,球衣也是初期样板还需要很多的修正,但乔丹的感觉是出来了,大家先凑合看看〜
The Michael Jordan prototype shown used the Kobe body base. There is a Michael Jordan body type being developed right now and it will be slightly bigger than the Kobe body type. The clothing is also in early stage and still need to be modified. Just wanted to show how a 1:6 Michael Jordan figure will look like.

篮球之神Michael Jordan 迈克乔丹人偶由于产品设定的更改调整,需要一定时间让NBA和乔丹审批,兼顾庞大的产能来满足全球各地的乔丹迷的需求,我们会把发售时间由原定的12月底改为1月中下旬上市发售来同时为即将50岁的乔丹生日作预热庆祝
Due to the time needed for NBA and Michael Jordan to approve the modifications of Enterbay's Michael Jordan figure, the official release schedule is pushed back to mid January oppose to the original late December schedule. The new January release date will be an opportunity to per-celebrate Michael Jordan's 50th birthday.

篮球之神MJ 迈克乔丹人偶系列第一款首发将配备AJ 11 和另外两代的Air Jordan供大家替换和收藏,当大家把乔丹人偶系列完整收藏后AJ 1到14代也就完整收藏了。另外由乔丹开始我们将配备全新设计的NBA系列专属地台支架让大家完整从现乔丹的Jump Shot和空中灌篮,1:6比例的精密完整篮球框架晚点发售
Enterbay's first version of Michael Jordan 1:6 figure will come with a pair of Air Jordan 11 and 2 other editions of AJ. When all the Michael Jordan figures are release, fans will have a complete collection of 1:6 Air Jordans 1- 14.
Starting with the Michael Jordan figure, there will be a newly developed figure stand for the NBA series to handle all the basket ball poses.
A 1:6 scale basketball hoop is currently planned.
Enterbay's first version of Michael Jordan 1:6 figure will come with a pair of Air Jordan 11 and 2 other editions of AJ. When all the Michael Jordan figures are release, fans will have a complete collection of 1:6 Air Jordans 1- 14.

Multiple pairs of sneakers is pretty cool.

Starting with the Michael Jordan figure, there will be a newly developed figure stand for the NBA series to handle all the basket ball poses.
A 1:6 scale basketball hoop is currently planned.[/QUOTE]


Hopefull there will be hands that can grip the ring and hang the figure from!
Multiple pairs of sneakers is pretty cool.

Starting with the Michael Jordan figure, there will be a newly developed figure stand for the NBA series to handle all the basket ball poses.
A 1:6 scale basketball hoop is currently planned.


Hopefull there will be hands that can grip the ring and hang the figure from![/QUOTE]

Wonder if a magnet system would be feasible, it'd open up the posing options if the ball could 'hang' from the palm.
3 pair of ajs with this Release? And at the end of all releases we will have 14 pairs?

That means 4-5 mj figures to come? Oh my...