That's not too bad Potato, I'm currently building a white jersey Jordan using that TBLeague body. It is powdery out of the box and your method should work fine(damp cloth etc.) I haven't put the bodies side by side to compare but you're right, it is a pinch skinnier than standard Enterbay body. Still fun to have and I'm glad TBLeague gave us this option.
let me know if you figured out how to put in the official shoes properly. becareful with rubbing the body it might cause dimples if you are too rough or did not apply enough wetness. make sure the cloth is microfiber type or you end up with more stuffs on it.
the shoulder & torso i believe is wider because it's hard to put on the jerserys, but the arms are skinnier. the lower leg seems to be thicker since i have problem sliding in the leg band & socks. I torn out the upper sewing line of 1 sock so becareful. Depending on your ball you might need to swap the magnet. i don't know if original EB hands works on the body or not. The biggest issue is the shoe. They took considerations into EB Shoes but never bother to test fit.
also do you plan to put in the male genital part under the underpants?
fyi i wrapped the areas that are in contact with black with plastic wrappers. i did this with the old body and now the wrappers all tainted black, body is still ok some spot i missed.