Enterbay Scarface "War Version"

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If i bought this Id pose him on a toilet. Face looks like he's ready to take a serious crap. :moon
Yeah, I'm not good at that stuff. ah well.

I'm pretty decent, but time poor, otherwise I'd churn some out. Maybe someone else will take it on...

I'm at work so I'm gonna be lazy and just ask...how much is that desk?

I am at work too, but I'll just chew through some company time and browse ebay for dolly furniture. Desk + chair is just over $100 shipped through ebay, but the desk alone - there aren't any current listings that I can find - I think you'd be looking at $70+ shipped.
I've seen that one. Only problem is how expensive it is.

Its not expensive. The whole set was like $60-90 depending on the site. But finding it now is the hard part. So many places are long sold out. Plus its far from even close to Tony's desk. Its much better used as the Godfather's desk. :lecture
Plus its far from even close to Tony's desk. Its much better used as the Godfather's desk. :lecture

Yeh, Tony's desk is a couple of slabs of gold separated by a three slabs of glossy black. How awesome would it be for BW to bring out a 'dark suit' Tony with desk accessory. It'd be easy for them to manufacture, size'd be a problem though.
I'm pretty decent, but time poor, otherwise I'd churn some out. Maybe someone else will take it on...

I am at work too, but I'll just chew through some company time and browse ebay for dolly furniture. Desk + chair is just over $100 shipped through ebay, but the desk alone - there aren't any current listings that I can find - I think you'd be looking at $70+ shipped.

Thanks, not to bad price wise, and agree it would work better with The Don.

speaking of Scarface did I tell you guys that I found a small bag of cocaine at the elementary school I teach at?

I think you are now obligated to buy a TM and and cut some lines up that on that desk...it would be the ultimate diorama.

In a seriousness though if it was a students thats pretty bad...I mean elementary school is young.

I will be making Tony's desk on Tuesday. Be on the lookout for my thread

I'll keep an eye out...stupid question but I assume your gonna post in the customs thread?
Yes in the customs area. I will post it. Depending on what materials I find and how quick I put this together. Then I can decide if I can mass produce them.





cheap useless glasses,cheap dress,cheap shoes,cheap my little friend gun,cheap suit case,cheap watch,Hs no comment, super easy pass...:monkey4
no good I will make a cause to enterbay has my set copyed ahahah
mine is still better...


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It looks like they did give him chest hair at least. But how could they do that but totally screw up the eye color? :slap

Come on Blitzway, give us a respectible War version! :pray:
Im buying a new base. That way I'll have one to display with the chair and one to display the figure on its own