ENTERBAY : The Dark Knight - HD 1/4 Christian Bale Batman

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Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

I think the only thing HT is waiting for to show their DX 2.0 is EB showing their 1/4.

Doesn't matter if that means delaying to next year, when did that stop HT?
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

Must you chime in in every thread related to Batman about how stuff you want has been delayed/unannounced? I understsnd your frustration, but is it really necessary?
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

Must you chime in in every thread related to Batman about how stuff you want has been delayed/unannounced? I understsnd your frustration, but is it really necessary?

To be fair, it's not like he doesn't have a point. I agree with him wholeheartedly!
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

:slap :cuckoo: really? It'd be nothing compared to all the others announced before that have been even longer and still not shown

I don't believe I've ever heard you mention this before. Please, tell me more.
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

As I said, I understand his frustration, but when you see that most of his contributions to any thread related to Batman are his complaining about how it's "another Batman release instead of Sucker Punch/X-Men/Green Lantern/MGS." If you have no interest in the item to begin with, what's the purpose in coming into a thread for it? To complain about how the stuff other people like came out before the stuff I like? You don't see other fans doing that in other threads, and it's not our faults that HT are taking their sweet-ass time, so why subject us to it?Also, Nova, this isn't to put you down, but don't single yourself out, man. Did you forget about how long we Superman/Batman 89 fans had to wait?
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

Must you chime in in every thread related to Batman about how stuff you want has been delayed/unannounced? I understsnd your frustration, but is it really necessary?

This and the Batman Returns ones are the only i go into, they're the only ones that have me interested.

But when i read comments about how a 5th Joker is needed and how it's been "such a long wait" :slap or ridiculous comments expecting batski-boats and batwings while other licenses don't even get the main figures or haven't started at all after being announced more than a year it just makes me think that the posters are horribly selfish and inconsiderate, even though they got tons already and should be happy as it is they want vehicles and remakes while others have nothing at all or only two figures in total.

It's not good for the hobbies community on the whole. A poster the other day stated how he felt that 6 entire HT licenses shouldn't be made, that's six groups of fans and collectors that would get nothing if he had his way, that was disgusting.

I don't want or care about Platoon but i want that figure to come out for those collectors as it's only fair as it was announced they were getting them before the ones i want & they've only got two figures in total.

Same with Smooth Criminal, i personally can't stand MJ but they deserve the figure cos they've been waiting since it was announced in 2010.

It's fairness, equality and balance, all deserve the figures HT have announced, more than remakes and vehicles from one property.

Think of it as a queue, all have been waiting in line and some want to jump the queue several times to a point where others are pushed to the back of the line several times or out of the queue completely, it's just not cricket.

If it seems like i'm a broken record it's cos i'm one of the ones waiting and waiting and waiting while things i want are minimalised by others as just not important, i keep thinking 'odds are one of the things i've been expecting for quite a while has to be debuted soon' and then another announcement comes along and it's more of the same. So put yourself in my shoes :wave

To be fair, it's not like he doesn't have a point. I agree with him wholeheartedly!


Nice sig btw!
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and I do think that those fans deserve what they want, but what you have to remember is that Hot Toys is a business. There are bound to be some groups that are displeased while HT caters to the "IT" group. There are some major films coming out this year with TDKR and The Avengers, and while HT are cashing in, there's going to be some people who are going to be left out. Also, just because guy A, who is a Batman fan, is excited by the prospect of, and is impatiently awaiting, the DX 2.0 Joker for example, that doesn't make him selfish. He's excited for what he likes, and if that makes him selfish, then everybody's selfish. For example, let's say the HT GL was put up for Pre-Order tomorrow. Are those fans who waited for it selfish because MGS fans still don't have anything? If people are Batman fans, and that's all they're interested in, why would they be thinking about how someone else might be missing out because of stuff that they're excited for, and they're waiting for?
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and I do think that those fans deserve what they want, but what you have to remember is that Hot Toys is a business. There are bound to be some groups that are displeased while HT caters to the "IT" group. There are some major films coming out this year with TDKR and The Avengers, and while HT are cashing in, there's going to be some people who are going to be left out. Also, just because guy A, who is a Batman fan, is excited by the prospect of, and is impatiently awaiting, the DX 2.0 Joker for example, that doesn't make him selfish. He's excited for what he likes, and if that makes him selfish, then everybody's selfish. For example, let's say the HT GL was put up for Pre-Order tomorrow. Are those fans who waited for it selfish because MGS fans still don't have anything? If people are Batman fans, and that's all they're interested in, why would they be thinking about how someone else might be missing out because of stuff that they're excited for, and they're waiting for?

Good point.I completly agree,why should I not be excited about something I want.do they think hot toys is gonna read this thread and say so and so is complaining qabout us making millions off of batman so let's stop and give him what he wants.instead of complaining on this website,take that energy and write hot toys.or start a petition.you have a better chance of seeing a green lantern figure if you got 5000 people to sighn a petition and send it to hot toys then going on the batman threads and telling me I'm selfish cause I'm excited for something that I want to buy.
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

This and the Batman Returns ones are the only i go into, they're the only ones that have me interested.

But when i read comments about how a 5th Joker is needed and how it's been "such a long wait" :slap or ridiculous comments expecting batski-boats and batwings while other licenses don't even get the main figures or haven't started at all after being announced more than a year it just makes me think that the posters are horribly selfish and inconsiderate, even though they got tons already and should be happy as it is they want vehicles and remakes while others have nothing at all or only two figures in total.

It's not good for the hobbies community on the whole. A poster the other day stated how he felt that 6 entire HT licenses shouldn't be made, that's six groups of fans and collectors that would get nothing if he had his way, that was disgusting.

I don't want or care about Platoon but i want that figure to come out for those collectors as it's only fair as it was announced they were getting them before the ones i want & they've only got two figures in total.

Same with Smooth Criminal, i personally can't stand MJ but they deserve the figure cos they've been waiting since it was announced in 2010.

It's fairness, equality and balance, all deserve the figures HT have announced, more than remakes and vehicles from one property.

Think of it as a queue, all have been waiting in line and some want to jump the queue several times to a point where others are pushed to the back of the line several times or out of the queue completely, it's just not cricket.

If it seems like i'm a broken record it's cos i'm one of the ones waiting and waiting and waiting while things i want are minimalised by others as just not important, i keep thinking 'odds are one of the things i've been expecting for quite a while has to be debuted soon' and then another announcement comes along and it's more of the same. So put yourself in my shoes :wave


Nice sig btw!


You do realize that you are equally sounding selfish by saying piss on all the other requests for more Batmans and Iron Mans because you want your figures made.

Personally, I don't give two turds about the MGS, X-Men: The Tween Years, Sucker Punch, Platoon, Green Lantern or any other crappy licenses you've mentioned. Keep the Batman/Iron Man/Predators comin' - I love 'em! :wave :lol
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

See, to them you're just a freak... like me!!
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

Man, Nova-Force you're annoying.
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

I leave this thread for a day and it has two pages of arguing! :lol

Just smile and wave boys... Smile and wave.
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight


You do realize that you are equally sounding selfish by saying piss on all the other requests for more Batmans and Iron Mans because you want your figures made.

Personally, I don't give two turds about the MGS, X-Men: The Tween Years, Sucker Punch, Platoon, Green Lantern or any other crappy licenses you've mentioned. Keep the Batman/Iron Man/Predators comin' - I love 'em! :wave :lol

Good posting:clap
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

What I don't get is why you're once again complaining about Hot Toys releases...

...in an Enterbay thread. :slap
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

I don't fully understand teaser pictures, if the joker sculpt is done then why give us a blurry photo. Just give us the ******* un-blurry picture!

I know its meant to tempt us to buy it but its just making me lose patience.
Re: ENTERBAY - 1/4 The Dark Knight

The only purpose is to build hype

And the sculpt is more than likely still being tweaked anyway.
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