Episode I - Obi-wan Kenobi - You know you'd love it!

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But the headsculpt for Anakin is a tad small... at least on the ROTS version I have. If Sideshow wants to get all fancy have have swappable heads that's all cool and the gang with me. I have a feeling he will be a figure that will really break the bank! But I will get him no matter what!

I am definitely hoping for the ROTJ version first, for my definitive version collection needs :monkey3
Yeah, ROTJ would be key to be first. I don't care about head swapping, I think SS will figure out exactly what to do, I mean the more they do these the more they perfect the art of 1/6 figures. Wait, isn't this thread about Obi? Vader taking over again!
yeah I've been waiting for them to get the Episode 1 Obiwan as well, then I can make a nice scene with him and qui gon jin and darth maul.
but then, isn't it weird that they(sideshow) still haven't made a darth vader 12 inch figure?
I don't see it as weird at all. He is a big release, so why not save him for a special time?
JustinLuck said:
I don't see it as weird at all. He is a big release, so why not save him for a special time?
As became vividly apparent with the release of Jabba et al, there is a method to Sideshow's release schedule madness. :cool:
Sideshow Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode I

Ask Sideshow
Monday, June 13th, 2011

I like your Star Wars 12-inch figure and Premium Format figure lines and I have a few questions 1. When will you come out and make a 12-inch and Permium Format figure of Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars : The Clone Wars tv series? 2. Will you make a Padme Amidala a 12-inch and Premium Format figure in her wedding dress from the end of star wars episode II Attack of the Clones? 3. And when will you make a Episode 1 and Episode 2 12-inch and Premium Format figure of Anakin Skywalker and a episode 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi? Thanks and keep up the good work.

Thanks for supporting our Star Wars lines! Yes, we do have our eye on Ahsoka, and we are considering how best to include her in our future product plans. At the moment, neither Ahsoka or Padme are in any stage of physical product development, but we do have designs in progress for both characters. Episode 1 Obi-wan Kenobi 12-inch Figure is in development, and will be revealed within 2011. Thanks!

(edit: There already is a thread for a Ep I Obi-Wan that I didn't find when I first looked. Mods, merge if you'd like: https://www.sideshowcollectors.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11213&highlight=kenobi)
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Threads merged. Always great to hear news of upcoming wanted characters. I've got a custom Ep. I Obi, but I'll snag another in a heartbeat.
Absolutely I'd love it! BTW nice collection Jedah Kalm.

Why thank you very much.
I'm not interested in this character/figure. I was just reading through the new Ask Sideshow answers, and I was on a roll posting a bunch of the Q/A's here on the boards for everyone's convenience.
God! I know I'll get lit up for bringing this thread back up, especially in light of all the incredible pieces Sideshow has revealed for SDCC, not to mention the financing that is needed to afford it all, but all these Battle Droids really make me want a peek of our favorite Padawan from Episode 1. Come'on Sideshow, you've been promising for awhile now we'd see this version of Obi-Wan and my "Order of the Jedi Collection" is short without him!!!:impatient:

It's only Friday, I can't think you've shot your entire load already!:lol
I keep waiting for the big SSC video that shows glimpses of things to come (like the Dewback, Grievous, IG-88) last year...