I have been buying for many years now products sent from USA (I live in Spain) the added charges (import duties, VAT) go like this:
STEP 1. Product Price + Shippin cost $150 + $50 = $200 (TOTAL 1)
STEP 2. Import duties (they depend on the imported product type and origin, as Dusty said some products may NOT have to pay import duties on the EU, but this may depend on the country laws) added over TOTAL 1.
If Import duties are 6% $200x1.06= $212 (TOTAL 2)
STEP 3 V.A.T. This varies in each EU country. As low as 15% in the UK and as high as 25% in Denmark (18% in Spain, 20% Ireland, 19% France) .....
20% VAT (for Ireland) calculation is made over TOTAL 2 $212x1,20= $ 254,4 TOTAL 3
STEP 4 Customs Agent fee Most parcel services operate as customs agents. Fed Ex is indeed one of them. Depending on local policy, they will charge you a fixed amount plus a percentage calculated over TOTAL 3.
I will suggest SS will find what is this rate. I have heard of Fed Ex charging 30 euros (some $50) as a Customs Agent fee.
That could make TOTAL 3 ($254.4) + Custom agent fee ($50) = $304.4 GRAND TOTAL
So that would make an approximate 50% over the products original price plus shipping.
The "old way" would have been just STEP 1 + STEP 3 (15% UK VAT) = $230 instead of the new $304,4.
I do repeat every country has its own VAT and special import duties, plus Fed Ex will charge a Custom Agent Fee. I think SS will have to make clear and investigate this points.
I'm not sure this is for the best of us. Shure we will have the item delivered faster, but my guess is we all would prefer waiting some 3 weeks more and save around 30%