Thought i'd make a contribution to this thread. Amazing PF
Does anyone have a close up of her eyelashes, preferably her right. I'm worried I have a chipped one. It doesn't look chipped, but it seems shorter, and doesn't seem to curl like the left.
I don't have any pics at the moment (at work) but my chip was very obvious. It's a white chip where black paint should be.
Well i am very very late to this party and I have been trying to get one for ages but well i mainly collect LOTR and so this was always put on hold on my list...but now is the chance I found 1 Regular and 1 Exclusive for sale for great prices too, but i guess the Exclusive is always better right ?
Let me know what you guys think
Regular or Exclusive that is the Question
Ex you get the crow! Hey how are you late in the game? You join in 2010 when this came out?