EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

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Id love to know where these imaginary refinements are that some of you to this day keep speaking of. When has he ever improved one figure apart from paint apps and slight color change on clothes
I mean TMP McCoy has been delayed forever because he’s still trying to refine it.
Refine, refine.... Refine. Refine what? The outfit? It's not going to be the head unless you're talking about paint and even then the paint is usually mediocre. How many characters has he painted the hair with gold paint. I'm just amazed that people still think that you're going to see some kind of significant difference when you see the proto. What is anyone expecting him to change with Garrick? You guys think he's going to have his sculptors do another head sculpt with a different expression? Lol good luck
Id love to know where these imaginary refinements are that some of you to this day keep speaking of. When has he ever improved one figure apart from paint apps and slight color change on clothes
Just go look through all the posted headsculpts he’s shared. It’s there for you to see.

Do your own homework stop relying on everyone else.
Refine, refine.... Refine. Refine what? The outfit? It's not going to be the head unless you're talking about paint and even then the paint is usually mediocre. How many characters has he painted the hair with gold paint. I'm just amazed that people still think that you're going to see some kind of significant difference when you see the proto. What is anyone expecting him to change with Garrick? You guys think he's going to have his sculptors do another head sculpt with a different expression? Lol good luck

Here, I'll give ya this one since I had it handy. If you're "amazed" then you're not paying attention. While I would agree that most of Voyager wasn't treated to glowups like this (for example), and that there's no hard promise of improvement on every figure, it's damned disingenuous to continue to look down yer snoot at everyone as if we're making **** up just because you're in some kinda perma-snit with Exo.

(Photo on the right by @QuiGonFishing )

The Garak figure at the Vegas show is a patchwork pre-proto. Head is not final, and it's on a Sisko body because his actual one doesn't exist yet.

It's awesome to see how much stuff is in the pipeline all in one place, but it seems they really shot themselves in the foot with how many people are assuming they're looking at final products just because they're there.
Love Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun. I need to see Dukat though. Worried since Garak turned out so badly.
No need to worry, Garak is not an official prototype. NT speaks to this in detail in his interview with Anthony (SixScaleMafia). It was a trial run on the head and neck, and the outfit was basically done when the tailor had some extra time on her hands.

It’s pretty incredible that NT still decided to give us a peak into Garak’s development this early on.
Here, I'll give ya this one since I had it handy. If you're "amazed" then you're not paying attention. While I would agree that most of Voyager wasn't treated to glowups like this (for example), and that there's no hard promise of improvement on every figure, it's damned disingenuous to continue to look down yer snoot at everyone as if we're making **** up just because you're in some kinda perma-snit with Exo.
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(Photo on the right by @QuiGonFishing )

The Garak figure at the Vegas show is a patchwork pre-proto. Head is not final, and it's on a Sisko body because his actual one doesn't exist yet.

It's awesome to see how much stuff is in the pipeline all in one place, but it seems they really shot themselves in the foot with how many people are assuming they're looking at final products just because they're there.
What about this was refined aside from paint and lighting
Tricorder would be odd.

I do wish Exo6 included a right and left hand made to hold the PADD sideways like Odo often did in the show.
Yeah they used to be really good at providing the appropriate hands for things, but now we got Odo who can't hold his PADD and Geordi who can't hold his engineering kit. And I'm still irked that we got two Picards without a "make it so" hand.
Now that I've paid for my Bashir, it occurs to me that I still have a bunch of black and grey uniforms in my future. I really hope some of these other non-Starfleeters make it to production. Garak is presumably a sure bet, but my fingers are crossed for Weyoun and Dukat. I need that Cardassian armor in my collection! And I'll never stop voicing my desire for a Martok. Oh, and a Jem'Hadar please. :)