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I notice a few people asking about an Anson Mount Christopher Pike from Discovery and it’s new spinoff.
Have you considered a Jeffrey Hunter Pike, Maejel Barrett # 1 and young Spock in the uniforms from Menagerie/Cage ?
I notice a few people asking about an Anson Mount Christopher Pike from Discovery and it’s new spinoff.
Have you considered a Jeffrey Hunter Pike, Maejel Barrett # 1 and young Spock in the uniforms from Menagerie/Cage ?
I want this. Will never give money towards the CBS All Access crapola.

I notice a few people asking about an Anson Mount Christopher Pike from Discovery and it’s new spinoff.
Have you considered a Jeffrey Hunter Pike, Maejel Barrett # 1 and young Spock in the uniforms from Menagerie/Cage ?
I look into all Trek especially those have significant meaning in Trekverse. Cage is one of them, adding to that I know Chis Hunter.
Fair enough - the stakes are excessive week in, week out, and therefore need excessives to combat that. That's sloppy storytelling. But it's like she's Jesus. Sisko, sure. He pretty much literally WAS Jesus, at least as far as Bajor was concerned. Picard? The only time I can think of that he personally HAD to be there is in First Contact, and that was because he was previously Locutus (which could've happened to someone else). I can't think of a single time offhand that Kirk HAD to be the savior. Janeway? Likewise. But everything literally centers around her. It's not that she plays a key role in saving the universe. All our heroes do that. It's that it HAS to be her and no one else could.
For Picard there is also the Picard series, and Nemesis. Also a handful of TNG shows.

Kirk, there was Star Trek 3, Star Trek 5, Star Trek 6, and also a handful of the shows especially the ones where he was "chosen"

Janeway....it's been a bit since I watched Voyager, but if I remember right the series finale, and if you want to get really technical the whole series, because it was Janeway's unique way of dealing the challenges they had, and her determination that got them home. Most other Captains would of just found some class M planet and called it home.

As its been pointed out pretty much every show has situations where only the main character or characters are the ones that can stop the antagonist, or solve the problem. It is not something unique to Disco.

Discovery has its faults as does every show. The other Trek shows are filled with a lot of the same criticisms that Discovery gets. The other Trek shows have horrible episodes, and they also have great episodes, Discovery is no different. I don't like every episode of Disco, but there are some standout ones that are as good as the other Trek series good episodes.
For Picard there is also the Picard series, and Nemesis. Also a handful of TNG shows.

Kirk, there was Star Trek 3, Star Trek 5, Star Trek 6, and also a handful of the shows especially the ones where he was "chosen"

Janeway....it's been a bit since I watched Voyager, but if I remember right the series finale, and if you want to get really technical the whole series, because it was Janeway's unique way of dealing the challenges they had, and her determination that got them home. Most other Captains would of just found some class M planet and called it home.

As its been pointed out pretty much every show has situations where only the main character or characters are the ones that can stop the antagonist, or solve the problem. It is not something unique to Disco.

Discovery has its faults as does every show. The other Trek shows are filled with a lot of the same criticisms that Discovery gets. The other Trek shows have horrible episodes, and they also have great episodes, Discovery is no different. I don't like every episode of Disco, but there are some standout ones that are as good as the other Trek series good episodes.
The Picard series, I'll give you. And Endgame, too. But I gotta disagree on like...everything else. Which is ok! :)

I'm the only one who can pick my son up from school. That's a little different than being the only one that can literally save the universe. Slightly different stakes there. I was specifically thinking universe-altering shows or movies.

AND...the movies especially had this thing of "the Enterprise is the only ship in the area" or the only one with an experienced captain, etc. But that didn't need to be Kirk specifically. It didn't need to be his DNA. Could've been Pike, had he still been around, in most of those cases.

I'm specifically speaking of potentially end-of-the-universe stakes and literally being the only possible person by sheer DNA who can possibly stop it, who just happens to be there.

Nemesis: Sure, Shinzon was gunning for Picard. But it didn't HAVE to be him that went to Romulus. Though it is the closest to fitting my bill because, well, yeah, DNA.

III? V? VI? Yeah I'm not seeing it in any of those. Sure, Kirk's personality adjusted how the story went. But his DNA didn't have to be present. Same goes for Janeway, did she alter the path? Of course. But it could have been any captain.

BUT all that said, we can agree to disagree. It's all a matter of perspective, right?
The Picard series, I'll give you. And Endgame, too. But I gotta disagree on like...everything else. Which is ok! :)

I'm the only one who can pick my son up from school. That's a little different than being the only one that can literally save the universe. Slightly different stakes there. I was specifically thinking universe-altering shows or movies.

AND...the movies especially had this thing of "the Enterprise is the only ship in the area" or the only one with an experienced captain, etc. But that didn't need to be Kirk specifically. It didn't need to be his DNA. Could've been Pike, had he still been around, in most of those cases.

I'm specifically speaking of potentially end-of-the-universe stakes and literally being the only possible person by sheer DNA who can possibly stop it, who just happens to be there.

Nemesis: Sure, Shinzon was gunning for Picard. But it didn't HAVE to be him that went to Romulus. Though it is the closest to fitting my bill because, well, yeah, DNA.

III? V? VI? Yeah I'm not seeing it in any of those. Sure, Kirk's personality adjusted how the story went. But his DNA didn't have to be present. Same goes for Janeway, did she alter the path? Of course. But it could have been any captain.

BUT all that said, we can agree to disagree. It's all a matter of perspective, right?

Three had to be Kirk, no one else was going to go get Spock's body or had the skill/ability to, 5 Kirk was the only one who had the unique view of "I need my pain" to resist Sybok, 6 Spock specifically said in the movie only Kirk could accomplished the mission he volunteered them for. Just remembered in TMP, that if Kirk wasn't there the Enterprise would of never even gotten to Vger based on how Decker suggestions kept being wrong.

Burnham wasn't the only one who could save the universe. They could of blown up Discovery to stop Control. They didnt need Burnham to end the war, they needed Discovery's spore drive. However Burnham is the focus of the show, so they wrote the story to showcase her.

It's fine if you don't like the show, and it's fine if you don't agree with me. I just found your argument of how in all of Trek that Discovery is bad because they make Burnham the "only" one to save the universe a bit of a fallacy considering all shows do the same thing and thought it would be fun to debate.
I enjoy the new Trek but I dislike their casual disregard for established technological limits and the raised stakes. I think the Mandalorian and Firefly showed that you don't need world or even universe busting stakes to tell enjoyable stories. Techno-cthulu in Picard was so OTT and illogical. Surely once a signal has been sent they can open their own portal?
This is kinda what I was trying to say. I feel like most of Trek's stories are much smaller in scope. Sure, there's big ones! Cataclysmic ones, even. World-ending ones. But rarely are they universe-ending kindof ones. All Good Things springs to mind (if that was even real). The stakes are rediculously big in much of NuTrek. Well said.

I enjoy the new Trek but I dislike their casual disregard for established technological limits and the raised stakes. I think the Mandalorian and Firefly showed that you don't need world or even universe busting stakes to tell enjoyable stories. Techno-cthulu in Picard was so OTT and illogical. Surely once a signal has been sent they can open their own portal?
I enjoy the new Trek but I dislike their casual disregard for established technological limits and the raised stakes. I think the Mandalorian and Firefly showed that you don't need world or even universe busting stakes to tell enjoyable stories. Techno-cthulu in Picard was so OTT and illogical. Surely once a signal has been sent they can open their own portal?
I was always happy with just needing to save the ship or one person in TOS.
Three had to be Kirk, no one else was going to go get Spock's body or had the skill/ability to, 5 Kirk was the only one who had the unique view of "I need my pain" to resist Sybok, 6 Spock specifically said in the movie only Kirk could accomplished the mission he volunteered them for. Just remembered in TMP, that if Kirk wasn't there the Enterprise would of never even gotten to Vger based on how Decker suggestions kept being wrong.

Burnham wasn't the only one who could save the universe. They could of blown up Discovery to stop Control. They didnt need Burnham to end the war, they needed Discovery's spore drive. However Burnham is the focus of the show, so they wrote the story to showcase her.

It's fine if you don't like the show, and it's fine if you don't agree with me. I just found your argument of how in all of Trek that Discovery is bad because they make Burnham the "only" one to save the universe a bit of a fallacy considering all shows do the same thing and thought it would be fun to debate.
As long as we're just having fun, I'll continue on. I just don't like annoying people or getting folks angry. Seems to be hard nowadays on the interwebs to avoid causing drama :)

My argument for recap is that Discovery does 2 things: 1). Have rediculously huge stakes (universe-altering) and 2. that they can only be stopped by Discovery. Not another starship, not the Enterprise, not Voyager, it HAD to be Discovery because "reasons."

From an in-universe POV, despite the fact that I despise the spore drive and it's magical resolution to problems, it does make sense that a ship with an experimental propulsion system would be needed to resolve issues. Like, for example, I don't have any issue with why Pike basically commandeered it at the beginning of S2; the red angel was a huge threat, and they needed to move quickly, and the Discovery was the only ship that could do that. What doesn't make sense is that said ship just happens to be in the right place at the right time TO resolve those issues, but I suppose that's just plot convenience.

I suppose I look at it like this - if you replace the Enterprise in TOS (or the Ent-D in TNG, or Voyager, etc) with a different ship, is there something wholly unique about that particular crew on that ship at that time that would be the only way to resolve the situation without the universe ending as we know it? Of course each crew is unique and may end up with different outcomes. But universe-ending ones? That's rare. I mentioned Sisko before - often times he is uniquely positioned because he's the Emissary - that can only be him. Endgame was a good example - Old Janeway could be the only one to get Voyager home earlier. All Good Things would qualify too, although I'm not completely certain that even happened in reality. Data likely was the only one who could've gone back in Time's Arrow, because, well...no one else could've had his head reattached hundreds of years later lol.

But anyway, taking those 2 points into account:

TMP: Could be. But that doesn't mean there was no one else in Starfleet who would've made the same call.

III: First off, 1 doesn't apply. Spock being dead is not universe-ending. It sucks, but life goes on. And there's no way Kruge could have gotten the secret of Genesis from going there, either, so the stakes are relatively small. You could possibly make the argument that McCoy needed to be there because of the katra, but that's just because Spock gave it to him in the first place.

V: Convince me Picard or Sisko would've fallen for Sybok's crap. I highly doubt it.

VI: I'd argue Kirk's presence made that whole situation much worse based on his bigotry, despite Spock's statement.

Point is, I'm not arguing whether a particular person might have made the situation better or not. I'm arguing that they HAD to be there. Literally only Burnham could have figured out the Red Angel, even though her presence was completely arbitrary based on her assignment to Discovery. Saru was the only surviving Kelpien, so he is literally the only being in the universe that could have solved the dilithium issue, even though it was, again, completely arbitrary that he was even there.

I think you're right, though; and so is Pauln6a, that its really about these ridiculously inflated stakes. If the stakes weren't so big, I wouldn't have anything here to really even complain about :).

I wonder, though, if that's an offshoot of these season-long story arcs. After all, the last time we saw one of those - in Enterprise - the stakes were indeed that high. If a crew has to spend a whole year solving a problem, it better be a damn big problem.

I really think the way Enterprise went in season 4 would be the way to go. Smaller arcs with smaller stakes. Ongoing stories weaved through. Strange New Worlds is supposed to be episodic, so I have high hopes.
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As long as we're just having fun, I'll continue on. I just don't like annoying people or getting folks angry. Seems to be hard nowadays on the interwebs to avoid causing drama :)

My argument for recap is that Discovery does 2 things: 1). Have rediculously huge stakes (universe-altering) and 2. that they can only be stopped by Discovery. Not another starship, not the Enterprise, not Voyager, it HAD to be Discovery because "reasons."

From an in-universe POV, despite the fact that I despise the spore drive and it's magical resolution to problems, it does make sense that a ship with an experimental propulsion system would be needed to resolve issues. Like, for example, I don't have any issue with why Pike basically commandeered it at the beginning of S2; the red angel was a huge threat, and they needed to move quickly, and the Discovery was the only ship that could do that. What doesn't make sense is that said ship just happens to be in the right place at the right time TO resolve those issues, but I suppose that's just plot convenience.

I suppose I look at it like this - if you replace the Enterprise in TOS (or the Ent-D in TNG, or Voyager, etc) with a different ship, is there something wholly unique about that particular crew on that ship at that time that would be the only way to resolve the situation without the universe ending as we know it? Of course each crew is unique and may end up with different outcomes. But universe-ending ones? That's rare. I mentioned Sisko before - often times he is uniquely positioned because he's the Emissary - that can only be him. Endgame was a good example - Old Janeway could be the only one to get Voyager home earlier. All Good Things would qualify too, although I'm not completely certain that even happened in reality. Data likely was the only one who could've gone back in Time's Arrow, because, well...no one else could've had his head reattached hundreds of years later lol.

But anyway, taking those 2 points into account:

TMP: Could be. But that doesn't mean there was no one else in Starfleet who would've made the same call.

III: First off, 1 doesn't apply. Spock being dead is not universe-ending. It sucks, but life goes on. And there's no way Kruge could have gotten the secret of Genesis from going there, either, so the stakes are relatively small. You could possibly make the argument that McCoy needed to be there because of the katra, but that's just because Spock gave it to him in the first place.

V: Convince me Picard or Sisko would've fallen for Sybok's crap. I highly doubt it.

VI: I'd argue Kirk's presence made that whole situation much worse based on his bigotry, despite Spock's statement.

Point is, I'm not arguing whether a particular person might have made the situation better or not. I'm arguing that they HAD to be there. Literally only Burnham could have figured out the Red Angel, even though her presence was completely arbitrary based on her assignment to Discovery. Saru was the only surviving Kelpien, so he is literally the only being in the universe that could have solved the dilithium issue, even though it was, again, completely arbitrary that he was even there.

I think you're right, though; and so is Pauln6a, that its really about these ridiculously inflated stakes. If the stakes weren't so big, I wouldn't have anything here to really even complain about :).

I wonder, though, if that's an offshoot of these season-long story arcs. After all, the last time we saw one of those - in Enterprise - the stakes were indeed that high. If a crew has to spend a whole year solving a problem, it better be a damn big problem.

I really think the way Enterprise went in season 4 would be the way to go. Smaller arcs with smaller stakes. Ongoing stories weaved through. Strange New Worlds is supposed to be episodic, so I have high hopes.

Ok this will probably be all out of order.

First, You have no worries about me getting upset. I live for these type of discussions on Trek. The fact that we are discussing a franchise that is over 50 years old is frankly incredible to me. Also just to be clear I see your points and even agree with some of them, DISCO isn't even my favorite Trek, I just think it gets a bad rep for having the same faults all the other shows do.

So if we go with your point of world or universe ending plots where only one person or crew could save everyone then ST3 would indeed be out. My take on your point was that all stories counted, apologies.

ST5. Considering Spock fell for Sybok, I can see Picard easily falling for him too. Picard got hooked on that video game Riker brought back, and if it wasn't for Nexus Guinan he would of stayed in the Nexus. The Nexus was kind of what Sybok was doing, removing all pain and guilt, just in a pseudo reality. Sisko I'd really need to think on it more. Losing his wife affected him in a huge way, I don't know if having that burden lifted would be something he would want, but there are moments from DS9 where I think he did.

Saru wasn't the only living Kelpian, he was just the only one there at that time.

I agree that the issue probably is the season long threat. Trek is full of planet, or galaxy ending threats, but they usually get fixed by the end of the episode Doomsday Machine, Immunity Syndrome, Year of Hell, Best of Both Worlds (really anything Borg) are some that spring to mind. But then you have DS9 which had a multi season long threat and most people enjoyed it. I think it really comes down to personal taste, and how it's executed.

My personal view is Star Trek is suppose to be a Sci Fi episodic show, not a Star Trek serialized show. TOS, and TNG held closer to that, and while DS9 is my favorite Trek, when it went the serialized route Trek went off the rails, and hasn't really gotten back on since. VOY and ENT tried to be a kind of hybrid episodic/serialized show, which had mixed results. New Trek (except Lower Decks) went full on serialized and its polarized fans. Strange New Worlds seems like it's going to follow the VOY/ENT model, so I think it will be more liked, but it's still not going to be fully embraced from the old school fans.

I don't think the first season of Disco fits in your argument of it had to be Burnham, I think you could of easily replaced her with anyone and they would of still ended the war. The actual Discovery ship though, yeah it had to be that ship, but then we wouldn't of had the show if it could of been any old ship. Season 2 did require her but that was due to the Red Angel being her mother, and Burnham was the only one that could use the suit due to her DNA. That's really no different then several other times in Trek and other shows where the only one that could save everyone would be the main character of the show.
I enjoy the new Trek but I dislike their casual disregard for established technological limits and the raised stakes. I think the Mandalorian and Firefly showed that you don't need world or even universe busting stakes to tell enjoyable stories. Techno-cthulu in Picard was so OTT and illogical. Surely once a signal has been sent they can open their own portal?

That's just a issue with storytelling in general and studio involvement. If you watch or read any of the behind the scenes drama that happens studio execs almost always push for big stakes, and Earth threatened, because the execs think it gets the audience invested in the story. Writers usually try to push back, but the execs are the ones with the money to make the film, so the writers usually lose that battle.

I didn't like the ending of Picard either. They set up so much stuff for questioning, what is life. They had all those holograms all with personalities, but they were basically being used as slave labor. I thought that was going to be addressed, especially since they've already tread some of that ground with The Doctor, and Moriarty. Ending just felt very rushed, and the villain reveal disappointing.
DSC will be like ENT to me, 2nd class 😆

But as part of the inclusive Trek figures, DSC seems to have good looking figures due to its nature. Dress in uniforms but very strong character differences (M/F, alien/human, etc). Popularity is another issue. Looking good doesn't mean has demand.

Pike uniform is beautiful with that color, and his grey hair made it especially good looking Captain, shiny insignia, tight fitting and such, very heroic. This Enterprise uniform is as good looking as HT Captain America outfit, with all those small pieces construction.

I kind of felt asleep with DSC S3 except Philippa/Guardian Gate episodes. Then that maternity style new uniforms just cracked me up, wondering if they designed this uniform just to hide Burnham's 7 months baby stomach. Hope I can ease into this in S4... don't think they will change uniform anymore.

For Picard I only like the borg part and Seven storyline, and want to make a Elnor, some Trek ninja character with a sword 😅

Back to 1/6 scale Trekverse figures, lots of things are coming into being in the next couple of weeks. So a perfect storm is forming. Through VOY, we will expand to another series of releases, and with DSC we will further split to more release schedules.

Every Trek fans can collect their own version of 1/6 Trek. No more argurments, everyone will be happy.

(Perfect Storm are positive words to me).
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Back to 1/6 scale Trekverse figures, lots of things are coming into being in the next couple of weeks. So a perfect storm is forming. No more argurments, everyone will be happy. (Perfect Storm are positive words to me).
Most interesting 1/6 company to follow right now. 🤙🏻🖖🏻
Sooooooo....is the Saru figure on the Captain's Drydock interview intro that is billed as EXO 6 items what we should expect for the big DSC reveal? 🧐🤐😁😎 I know this is the one previously shown in Nanjin's collection, but a sign nonetheless?...
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I would really like a Captain Pike figure, I think I would prefer one from Strange New Worlds tho. I have a feeling its going to be good. An original Pike would be cool too tho. Hoping we get Sisko, Archer, Kirk TWOK, Riker TNG, Data TNG, Quark, Gorn, Seven of Nine, B'elanna, Tuvok next.