EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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I dunno, it’s a bit strange I guess. I get they’re a small company essentially just starting up so I’m giving them a bit of lead way. Australia post has declared both my Saru and Burnham missing. I emailed Exo-6 this morning so we’ll see what happens. I’m sure it will all get sorted out. Well I hope it will anyway ha.
A bit of leeway at $200 a pop? lol
I'm excited about star trek day. I bet we get a preorder AND an immediate purchase on that day. What do you guys think? I think THAT will be when we finally see TMP Kirk and Spock.
I'm excited about star trek day. I bet we get a preorder AND an immediate purchase on that day. What do you guys think? I think THAT will be when we finally see TMP Kirk and Spock.
That seems like a good day to drop the immediate purchase for at least one of those figures. Betting you’re right on that.
Regarding the lack of customer service, you know what gets a company's attention. Contested credit card charges. I would've done this long ago if I were @1-6th Wayne , @JCOM, and @scubasteve_85
Thanks for your thoughts, that would be my last resort. The whole point is I'm willing to keep the WRONG figure if only they get back to me with a solution for the figure I was supposed to get. Now, I'm on the fence of if and where to order/reorder the figure I originally wanted.
Nanjin, would you consider magnetic swap out forearms? Extra costs aside, I believe this would elevate your figures to near perfect. This would eliminate the need for wrist pegs, breakage concerns etc.
Besides the forthcoming Queen Studios Joker figure are there our figures using the magnetic forearms? I saw it on that one and I am curious to see how people like it in hand. At this point I personally don’t have a real need for it on these figures. The sleeves obscure the peg on mine for the most part so I would rather have extra pegs than pay for multiple extra forearms and magnets but that’s just me.
I don’t understand this magnetic forearm thing. What’s the big advantage?
I don’t understand this magnetic forearm thing. What’s the big advantage?
No advantage here, would just detract from the figures here, because then they'd have to make the sleeves looser, or pop in a zipper to be able to change hands.
Had to take a screenshot to get the picture. Looks like TMP is coming soon.

Ah - a classic case of "opinions differ" or "YMMV".

I'm sincerely pleased that so many of you are looking forward to these - because (let's be honest) - those likenesses are truly amazing!!!! - but I couldn't have been more disappointed with the movie when it came out (thank goodness "Wrath of Khan" rescued the franchise!)

Easy pass for me - but roll on anything from TOS or ANY of the other TOS movies.
