Super Freak
I have no facebook cause I don't care about anyone or their idea of news worthy posts, if thats what they are called. I just don't give a ****....weddings, births, breakfasts....whatever goes on in peoples lives, I just don't care.
Sideshow freaks is the only social media I can stomach and that gets increasingly difficult every year.
The best thing about Facebook (no, not really) is when people tell you they are at the Starbucks on the corner of such and such a street. Not so you can meet up with them, because they only plan on being there for five minutes, but because it's an update to their crummy lives. Sad thing, this is a reoccurrence. Like people posting photos of their lunch of supper.
To put it in lameman terms (no, not layman)... Think back to 25 years ago when the internet wasn't a mainstream thing, phonebook sized cellphones were just getting out there... Imagine a person using a pay phone to call up their friend to say they are at McDonalds on Main and WhoGivesaRatsArse... only to hang up seconds later, with no response. Or how about taking a Polaroid of your food at work, then faxing a xeroxed image of your food to someone. That's Facebook now. Unfortunately, everything is news worthy.
The worst acronym is "FML"... Most people use it when they slop food on their shirt, cut their pinky on a piece of paper, or stub their toe. Or someone messed up on their order and gave them a double double instead of their usual triple triple. Really?! There are starving people in the world... people who are in war torn countries... losing family and your big concern is you have a ****oo... but yes, **** your life. lol
The good thing about Facebook is you can weed out the intelligent people from the morons. Like the person on Facebook that threatens to kill their ex or boss (life threats are a serious offence, and what better than using your own Facebook friends as witnesses)....
To sum it up, it entertains. It's good for finding old friends and setting up parties/get-togethers much easier. Aside from that and the odd worthwhile person's update, I agree with you, it's kah-kah.
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