I don't think it's a personal beef so much as them identifying themselves as part of the crowd that doesn't want to get involved with the usually pointless things society obsesses over. I was like that until 2010. Got a Facebook to petition Hot Toys to include the falcon accessory with their Falconer Predator.

Since then, it's been so much easier to plan hangouts and events with friends.
All from one failed click, Lol!
Seriously though, how do so many people just decide to get up and go to another country uninvited? the voices told me!
Whatever stigma surrounds social networking, you can't argue with the fact that almost everybody does it (including people worth being in touch with) and if you want to stay connected you'll have to do the same.
Just delete those friends or hide their statuses. Simple.
Humanity has become very sad because of it. Plus, one time what happened on Facebook/Internet stayed there. Now, even on tv guides and tv packages, Internet crap makes it onto your tv. Granted you don't have to watch it, but nevertheless, all the dross is coming through to everything that you can hardly get away from it now. Even how people talk to each other on the streets now.
How can such a social tool, make people so anti social. There's so much hostility now with people because of all their years on Facebook. Facebook has made so many people become a very rude, attention seeking, intolerant society.
I keep hearing parents talking about how their sons and daughters are always on Facebook that they can't even talk at dinner. As if things are so crucial that they can't miss a thing as if they were controlling a nuclear power station. Even some adults are just as bad.
Not that I do it with a lot of people, but I find that hiding their status is the easiest way. Although I do wish some people were more self aware of what they were doing on FB. Unless they're there with you, most people don't care what kind of meal you just had.
Or about to eat. I can't stand people that post every meal they have prepared for dinner.
GTFOMS! Get the fook off my screen.
well, some boardies are turning this toy forum into effin facebook. lolz
Watch carefully. Every forum has become like this. The world and forums or anything, Facebook us, tweet in your comments, tweet us what you think! Tweets/Facebook us your pictures. News programmes and so on. The world is full of fooking trivia more than ever and every nut has a platform to voice their views.
Just use it when you need it. You don't have to read anyone's crap. I mostly use it to quickly contact people who don't live around here any more.
It's rather hard to when you listen to radio stations and such, Facebook discussions on News channels, this crap is everywhere even on intelligent stuff.
I edited my post. But Google is what we should all really be afraid of. Google is what scares me sometimes.
those New Video Games systems (XBOX especially) coming out are a total control Grids for its users....for the unit to work,you must be online at all times and it has voice recognition to play among other things..
Soon Video Games will be download only, with no actually physical game disc making the user to have to be online to play video games.
but nobody cares
Yet they are pre-ordering like the world was going to end tomorrow.
I have an account but since I don't have a lot of friends (I think I'm at like 50 which by facebook standards means I live under a rock) my feed isn't too filled with annoying stuff so its not that bad. I keep it because its a handy way to get in touch with some good old friends and see what they are up to time to time but its not something I obsess over.
Heh, it's better than having hundreds of friends you don't know. Sad statistic nuts.
Society as a whole has declined rapidly and is only getting worse. I could go on and on about what was and what is today, but most just poo poo it off.
You can say that again.
I agree, society has gone down the crapper. And facebook isnt helping. Especially for kids. They need to get out and play, see the sun, instead of sitting on their phones and computers facebooking!
Teenagers committing suicide from Facebook/Twitter/Internet bullying.
Go to a restaurant and take a look around and what do you see? Most familes not even talking to each other because they all have their faces burried in their cell phones on FB or texting. It's sick.
or go in their homes and see their faces buried in computers posting on toy forums
"Big Brother", the government, or whoever else, doesn't need Facebook to keep tabs on someone. Of course,
people should use their better judgements on what they decide to post. But, if they're overly paranoid about an unseen force that's out to get them, then I'd think that Facebook isn't the only thing that they'd have a problem with. They should just give up all of their electronics and become Amish
Then you woke up and realised, how messed up it is. Thats why there's so many scams right? more rampant that ever, yes?
I have never actually seen the kind of drama and arguments on facebook that I have seen in here from time to time.
Maybe I am just friends with nice people that get along or I miss the fights. But Facebook can actually be boring in that sense.
Even on the facebook groups, people tend to get along. I've never seen any really big fights or anything.
You'll probably find those same ones are from the Facebook/Twitter culture. Forums used to be such a different place before the Facebook/Twitter boom. I'm talking all forums in general.
Food for thought. If you're planning on murdering a ton of people, don't put that **** on Facebook.
Lol! but the gist is, it's a sharing culture.
Yeah, "the good old days". No such thing. No matter what the year, you're gonna find crap.
The difference was, the crap never made it onto every tv channel/radio and news station back then. Every piece of trivia gets reported today.
That's where Skype comes in. Or snapchat.
Sad when that happens.