i do hate the people on facebook who complain about college debt the have the newest iphone, jordans, gshock watches, and get starbucks everyday while eating out at the sametime while not having a job and living off of mommy and Da-Da, FOH
i do hate the people on facebook who complain about college debt the have the newest iphone, jordans, gshock watches, and get starbucks everyday while eating out at the sametime while not having a job and living off of mommy and Da-Da, FOH
Damn you teenagers and your lazy short term urban language!!! FOH!!!
Damn you teenagers and your lazy short term urban language!!! FOH!!!
Full size keyboards physically and virtually and they can't type the bloody things! Lazy batards!
Full size keyboards physically and virtually and they can't type the bloody things! Lazy batards!
Actually, it used to be GTFO, but now they say FOH
What I don't like about Facebook is sometimes it makes me feel like my life sucks because all you read about from other people is their highlight reel, all their vacations, their new car, their promotions, etc.
I never talk about even my good experiences so it just seems everyone else is always successful and my life stinks.In actuallity my life is really good, I just don't brag about it.
Stupid teens...
I have no clue what any of these acronyms are.
So why are some so vehemently opposed to FB? Do they not understand how you can control your privacy? Do they not have friends? Are they ugly and not want photos of themselves shown? What?
Maybe Kingdorkness can shed some light on the subject.
I really can't keep track of all of these crazy terminologies. In a few years, "FOH" will be replaced by something else.
Why can't people just practice speaking grammatically correct English? That's something that will never become obsolete.