Fat People

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Death of America will be caused by either: Zombies or obesity.
Embrace your destinies and that KFC double down:)
I don't think the KFC Double Downer sells anymore LOL. That's probably the nastiest single piece of fast food to have ever been invented.
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You can't say just America anymore. Most of the world now.

Yeah obesity is on the rise worldwide but nothing comes close to the problems you guys have. When we come visiting everyone's shocked at a) How many fast food joints there is b) the cheap cost of meals and c) The super sized portions. It's scary.
That's Devil's favorite sandwich! :lol

Nah, they were a good deal at $5 a piece, but they were never as good as I wished they would be. I just never took the horror seriously and it was fun to play up eating them.

I'm 5'10" and I weigh 165lbs. I have no food addictions and I never have.
Nah, they were a good deal at $5 a piece, but they were never as good as I wished they would be. I just never took the horror seriously and it was fun to play up eating them.

I'm 5'10" and I weigh 165lbs. I have no food addictions and I never have.

haha Basically what I am. lol
I don't really have any food addictions either. I can take or leave chocolate. I love wine and cheese but I don't actually need to have it every day. I just realized I've been up for 1.5 hours and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. I normally don't wait more than 90 min to eat...

Anyways, your body is what you make of it. If you have a medical condition that helps you gain some lb's, find out how to fight it as best as you can, and do it. Even if you cannot fix it 100%, there has to be things that can be done. Turn that fat into muscle!! :p

I know that when we have kids we do not want them to know about people who are 'fat' or 'skinny' we want them to learn about nutrition and staying active. And it all starts with us.
Lost 11.5 lbs this week eating fruits and vegetables, with moderate nuts, seeds, and beans. Yeah it's only my first week eating on this Eat to Live plan, but...

Is obesity a disease? :rotfl
When I was working, the health plan classified me as obese.

I was about 235 and 6 feet.

When I started this last week, I was 242.
When I was working, the health plan classified me as obese.

I was about 235 and 6 feet.

When I started this last week, I was 242.

huh? isn't that 7lbs difference? unless you're scaling in kilo, which equal to about 2lbs each I think. judging from Las Vegas, NV, I am sure ur talking about lbs.

as for me, I just need to get back in shape. not interested in losing so much weight. losing 5lbs from 220lbs/5'7" is enough for me. ideal weight might be 200lbs for me, at my height, but not realistic.
Yeah, but. . .


". . .in rat models the development of obesity coincides with a progressively deteriorating chemical balance in reward brain circuitries. As these pleasure centers in the brain become less and less responsive, rats quickly develop compulsive overeating habits, consuming larger quantities of high-calorie, high-fat foods until they become obese. The very same changes occur in the brains of rats that overconsume cocaine or heroin, and are thought to play an important role in the development of compulsive drug use."

"When we removed the junk food and tried to put them on a nutritious diet – what we called the 'salad bar option' – they simply refused to eat. The change in their diet preference was so great that they basically starved themselves for two weeks after they were cut off from junk food."

There is a scientifically proven addictive quality to unhealthy foods that makes the "lazy and don't care" argument insufficient.

Not exactly a one to one comparison. First of all, rats are not capable of rational thought in the way that humans are. Because humans are able to think rather than just react to their environment, there is not a direct co-relation between the two. Yes, we all know just food/fast food is addictive but that's not an excuse. If you know it's unhealthy, don't eat it. It's that simple. It's about retraining the way you perceive food and humans by nature can do that unlike a rat. If there is a way and you are determined, you can change dietary patterns or habits in general. What people lack is the will to better themselves. The majority of fat people, unless there is a medical reason, are fat because they lack discipline.