Fear The Walking Dead

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I actually thought the first episode was pretty good. Plus with this taking place in L.A., I've been to and seen many of the locations from this episode. So for me it's very interesting where in the city this unfolds. I liked how it ended, showing the characters already dealing with a walker. The young son Nick really does remind me of a young Johnny Depp. I'll definitely give this show a chance.:)
It's mad that the kid Nick's dad in real life is this guy!

Is that a fake horse? What watch was Wake wearing. Milgauss? I'm so OT; carry on.

You might be right on the watch. That's an incredible eye!

The horse is real. Lahkota & his wife have several horses and various other farm animals :lol

jra81984 coordinated and edited the entire thing :clap:clap

Sorry to continue the OT but the commercial premiered here and there's no where else to post about it
I liked the first episode, caught it by chance surfing channels...
I will keep watching this, and I'm sure the junky kid will be the leading role.
Eh. It was okay. I don't mind that they are building up to the apocalypse, and the pace is slow and deliberate. But by nature I just don't like all the family drama stuff. I'm fine getting to know a group of people, but the drama between the characters seems so manufactured--it's there simply so the family dynamic is tense.

I like the woman in the lead. She too reminds me of Elisabeth Shue. I also know her from Gone Girl, and for some reason, I keep seeing her as a cop. Just something about the way she carries herself with authority and confidence. I'm expecting her to whip out her gun and badge in every scene!

Anyway, I did like the hints of the outbreak going on all around. All the sirens and helicopters going on in the background make it feel like they're all going towards a zombie incident. Or is that just how LA is all the time? ;) I liked how they just tangently passed by the incident on the highway and I liked seeing the viral helicopter footage of the scene afterwards. But I didn't think the dashcam footage worked--it looked too good and too well framed.

I think it will be interesting to see how civilization devolves once the s-- hits the fan, like how they showed in the previews.
I liked the first episode, caught it by chance surfing channels...
I will keep watching this, and I'm sure the junky kid will be the leading role.

Agreed. I think the stepdad is filling a Quigon Jinn/Ben Kenobi/Ned Stark type role.
I liked the show, though I missed about 15 minutes of it since I fell asleep. Not that the show was boring, but I'm back to work now and I couldn't watch the show at 9. I had to watch it at midnight and I passed out about 1 am or so. :lol

I can't say this episode was better than TWD Ep. 1 and there's no way the acting is better. If this one was good or better than TWD Ep. 1, I wouldn't have fallen asleep. Episode 1 TWD unnerved me and I debated on watching any more. I'm not a big horror fan, but I'm so glad I continued watching it.

This has to have a slower buildup. I didn't even expect to see any Zombies in the first show.

the acting was pretty bad, the only good one was the son, The daughter and everything about her (including her friends) was pathetic, but Hopefully that will end soon.
the family was okay but they feel wooden, the step dad going to the church was cool but then when he talks about what he saw it's like he barely had any emotion, the only one showing any real emotions was the mom.
Even Principal Obama was a lot more likable than the step dad guy.

Im hoping things get better, and I hope to dear God they do not leave the city this whole season (If it was up to me they would spend at least 2-3 seasons in the city)
I really do not want to see more forest or desert or whatever. If they leave the city I might not watch it (I have enough with the regular walking dead)

I liked the episode but the acting was pretty mediocre. I understand that the outbreak is just starting but it is hard not to compare this to the Walking dead and how great the acting was in it.

(love the settings, love the slow build up, love the city environment, love the news footage but didn't like the acting. )
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Also I am really really really really hoping the mom becomes the Leader, even if that means the step dad guy is taken out. It would be awesome to have a woman be the "Rick" of this show, she has a good presence and she is the best actress in the show (with her son)
Im hoping that's what they are going for. that would be bretty cool
Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

It was okay, but the first half of the episode was rather boring to me.

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the acting was pretty bad, the only good one was the son, The daughter and everything about her (including her friends) was pathetic, but Hopefully that will end soon.
the family was okay but they feel wooden, the step dad going to the church was cool but then when he talks about what he saw it's like he barely had any emotion, the only one showing any real emotions was the mom.
Even Principal Obama was a lot more likable than the step dad guy.

Im hoping things get better, and I hope to dear God they do not leave the city this whole season (If it was up to me they would spend at least 2-3 seasons in the city)
I really do not want to see more forest or desert or whatever. If they leave the city I might not watch it (I have enough with the regular walking dead)

I liked the episode but the acting was pretty mediocre. I understand that the outbreak is just starting but it is hard not to compare this to the Walking dead and how great the acting was in it.

(love the settings, love the slow build up, love the city environment, love the news footage but didn't like the acting. )

L.A. is big enough, maybe they won't have to
^ Haha, dev. :lol

The first episode was pretty boring but I'm hopeful the next five episodes will be much more interesting and action-packed. I guess I can root for Travis and Madison but it's hard to find either of the two surly teenagers - Alicia and Chris - sympathetic. And Nick... :gah:

I'll be waiting for Rubén Blades to show up in a future episode and fidget with his necklace. And I wonder if Lynn Chen, the actress who played the nurse and is someone I went to school with, will appear in any more episodes.